There's an article out today that says that Obama stacked the deck at his "open" forum where he picked only campaign supporters to ask questions at his 'online' town hall. Of course, this doesn't surprise any of us who have bothered to just open our eyes! After all, his was to be a transparent presidency, in his own words. This man is so transparent that he uses millions of taxpayer dollars just to fight showing us his birth certificate! He is so transparent that he can't talk, even at a party, without a teleprompter, where by the way, he was so transparent and thoughtful of his words, that he even thanked himself without catching it because those were the words on the screen for him to read. He is so transparent that he destroys the tape of that embarrassment and it is nowhere to be found! Think anybody would have any problem rounding up a video of Pres. Bush's gaffe? Obama is so transparent and true to his word that when he told us we'd have a minimum of 5 days to view the entire transparent spendulus bill online before it was voted on, it was put up at 11:00 pm one night and voted on the next morning! We're still discovering the horrors in that 1400-page bill that he didn't read, nor any Congressman read fully. Obama promised transparency when he vowed to disregard all Pres. Bush's signing statements and indicated he would not "use signing statements to do end runs around Congress", but then did just that two days later in his own signing statement.
Actually, Obama is quite transparent. I can see right through him! I think I always did. It's not that hard. You can listen to a person (if you must), but then you just look at the facts. Facts don't lie and history doesn't lie, unless you are listening to mainstream media. Any thinking person can look up facts for himself. And sure there can be things biased in either direction, but you can discern facts from opinion if you really want to. The fact is, most people don't want to. They have this American Idol mentality and don't want anyone to mess with their image of their idol. And Obama plays them like a fiddle. He speaks, they swoon, and it doesn't matter that it isn't true. It makes me want to scream. I get angrier at the foolish people more than I do him. Why shouldn't a corrupt politician use foolish people who allow themselves to be used? How could you expect him to act any differently? Right before the election I was having a debate on this blog with someone who eventually told me that he didn't even care if Obama was corrupt or immoral, that morality had nothing to do with whether he'd be a good president or not. I thought, and still do think that was the most ignorant statement I had ever heard, but sadly, it's what a majority of Americans seemed to think when they ignored everything Obama stood for, had voted for, had even said in his own words during his career. They preferred their image of him, as seen and heard in his teleprompter's words. Beautiful (so they say) words read by a corrupt immoral man, but it was change we could believe in. How can you believe what a corrupt immoral man says??? Why would you trust the words of a corrupt immoral man? The insanity of it makes me crazy!
Today I was once again reminded why people are fools. They are fools when they are Godless. The Bible tells us over and over again that wisdom comes only from God. Proverbs 2:6 says "the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Although we don't hear directly and audibly from His mouth today, we have a very thorough record of His words, if we would only choose to read and study it! THEN we would have wisdom! But man's wisdom? 1 Corinthians 3:19 tells us "the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God". And in Romans 1:22 & 25, we learn that people "professing to be wise, became fools, and exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the created rather than the Creator". That is an exact picture of many people today who have created a God in their own image, one who loves and tolerates every sort of unrepentant behavior. They have chosen the lie that the only way to love people is to accept and even glorify their immoral behavior, as in the case of our legalization of homosexual relationships promoted to the status of God's definition of marriage. They chose their own image rather than God's very distinct words that it is an abomination. They have accepted the lie that it is better to kill an innocent baby rather than to "inconvenience" the life of its mother for 9 months. They have accepted the lie that it's more moral to protect our planet than to honor God's teachings, even though He specifically spoke about the fools who would worship the created rather than their Creator. But the only way people will ever have real wisdom is to study the Word of God. They are incapable of wise thinking apart from God! Proverbs 21:30 says "There is no wisdom or understanding or counsel against the LORD." You got so-called wisdom and knowledge that is contrary or against the Lord's; you ain't got squat. His is the last word.
Probably most of Obama's supporters were people who think they are Christians, but who are not real Christ-followers. If only they would read the word of their Lord, they would understand that they have been deceived by a very real enemy who seeks to destroy them. If he can get them to believe the lie, he can destroy them. He is a very cunning enemy who knows the word of the Lord well and will twist it to use it against his victims. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that we must "be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may
devour." We have accounts of him using the very words of God in his cunning attempts to deceive:
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"
Genesis 3:1
Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: 'He shall give His angels charge over you,' and, 'In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.'"
Matthew 4:5-6
Even if people choose to believe there is no God, they have this inherent need to believe in something and it will rise to the elevation of worship. That should tell us something! Our very souls want to worship! They know they are supposed to worship! But we get led astray. Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." The things we value, the things we give all our attention to, those are our idols that we place before Him. But we all have something we worship, even if it is ourselves and our own intellect. We will worship, but if it's not God, then it's a false idol, a lie, and it leads to eternal destruction. My daily prayer is that people will come to see the truth before it is too late. And I don't mean too late for our country; the time is probably past for that. Americans chose an Obamanation over God. Americans made their bed and they will have to lie in it. I mean too late for each individual person to come to Christ and be saved before God gives them up to their vile affections and debased minds, as the first chapter of Romans tells us in great detail. Isaiah 55:6 tells us to "seek the LORD WHILE He may be found, call upon Him WHILE He is near", indicating He won't always be near nor found. That, in conjunction with the accurate description in Romans of what is happening in our country today, and those scriptures that say God will come to a point where He just gives them over to what they want, spell URGENCY to me, that the time is NOW to come to the Lord. James 4:8 has the perfect prescription: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you hypocrites." You draw near to Him by prayer and repentance and by reading His word. He'll take it from there!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Chalk Up Another One for America's Most Pro-Abortion President Ever!
Obama is undoubtedly the most pro-abortion president we've ever had! Admittedly, Clinton vetoed the partial-birth abortion ban, but Obama voted on three different occasions to kill babies who are born alive after a botched abortion. Now as president, he is moving faster than I ever recall to undo every single pro-life and moral protection (the only ones that truly provide CHOICE), and to see to it that every American pay for the murder of the most innocent with their tax dollars.
Practically his first act as president was to overturn the Mexico City Policy, forcing taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups that either promote or perform abortions in other nations, including forced abortions for population control. Then he began taking steps to overturn conscience protections that had been put in place by President Bush to make sure medical staff are not forced to do abortions against their beliefs. Obama has nominated extreme radical pro-abortion Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius for Health Secretary. If confirmed, she would most certainly issue new regulations overturning the protections. And now today, Obama signed an executive order forcing taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research. Even if it did not destroy human embryos and you took the pro-life argument completely out of it, it is absolutely insane to be forcing taxpayer funding of this research. The private sector has long left that research behind because IT DOES NOT WORK! Embryonic stem cells are unstable, cause tumors, and have not saved one single life. And there is absolutely no need to get the stem cells from embryos, anyway, as they are found in umbilical cord tissue. Adult stem cells are the ones providing the successful treatments; that is where the private sector puts its research dollars, into something that works! The only reason Obama is forcing taxpayers to pay for this research is because no one else will pay for this totally unsuccessful and immoral work. AND it keeps abortion alive and well. That is his main agenda - to force every American to accept it and pay for it, with no moral objections. I listened to an excerpt of his comments today (I can only stomach excerpts). He talked about his faith, but then proceeded to talk about what "I believe". That's the problem with so-called Christians today; they don't follow Christ, they want to disregard biblical truth and God's word for what they believe is right. I'm always amused at people who think that is a valid argument. How can what you believe to be right, be right, if it contradicts what I believe to be right? Does not compute; it's not reasonable. There can only be one truth and the Bible and the word of God is the only true standard, regardless of what anyone wants to believe.
So now we get to be a part of the most pro-abortion America to date. We get to force our death on the world and we get to pay for it! I recently heard that Australia was the only other first world country to refuse to send money to world organizations who performed abortions (like we used to with the Mexico City Policy), but now that Obama has overturned our policies like that, they may follow suit. Great! We also get to lead other nations to murder of the most innocent!
Any Christian who believes God will not judge this country for the innocent bloodshed, doesn't believe the Bible and doesn't believe God's word is true, even if they try to pretend otherwise.
Practically his first act as president was to overturn the Mexico City Policy, forcing taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups that either promote or perform abortions in other nations, including forced abortions for population control. Then he began taking steps to overturn conscience protections that had been put in place by President Bush to make sure medical staff are not forced to do abortions against their beliefs. Obama has nominated extreme radical pro-abortion Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius for Health Secretary. If confirmed, she would most certainly issue new regulations overturning the protections. And now today, Obama signed an executive order forcing taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research. Even if it did not destroy human embryos and you took the pro-life argument completely out of it, it is absolutely insane to be forcing taxpayer funding of this research. The private sector has long left that research behind because IT DOES NOT WORK! Embryonic stem cells are unstable, cause tumors, and have not saved one single life. And there is absolutely no need to get the stem cells from embryos, anyway, as they are found in umbilical cord tissue. Adult stem cells are the ones providing the successful treatments; that is where the private sector puts its research dollars, into something that works! The only reason Obama is forcing taxpayers to pay for this research is because no one else will pay for this totally unsuccessful and immoral work. AND it keeps abortion alive and well. That is his main agenda - to force every American to accept it and pay for it, with no moral objections. I listened to an excerpt of his comments today (I can only stomach excerpts). He talked about his faith, but then proceeded to talk about what "I believe". That's the problem with so-called Christians today; they don't follow Christ, they want to disregard biblical truth and God's word for what they believe is right. I'm always amused at people who think that is a valid argument. How can what you believe to be right, be right, if it contradicts what I believe to be right? Does not compute; it's not reasonable. There can only be one truth and the Bible and the word of God is the only true standard, regardless of what anyone wants to believe.
So now we get to be a part of the most pro-abortion America to date. We get to force our death on the world and we get to pay for it! I recently heard that Australia was the only other first world country to refuse to send money to world organizations who performed abortions (like we used to with the Mexico City Policy), but now that Obama has overturned our policies like that, they may follow suit. Great! We also get to lead other nations to murder of the most innocent!
Any Christian who believes God will not judge this country for the innocent bloodshed, doesn't believe the Bible and doesn't believe God's word is true, even if they try to pretend otherwise.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Problem with Hope and Change and Inexperience
For all those who thought "Hope" and "Change" and "Fresh", code word for INEXPERIENCE, was such a good idea, I have to wonder if they realize they should have pause for thought about now. In 6 weeks' time, Obama has bent over backward for Russia, throwing our ally, Poland, under the bus; sent huge amounts of money to Hamas, selling out Jerusalem; and generally disgusted one of our best allies, Britain. Great foreign policy! THAT ought to help our image in the world that everyone thought was so bad with Pres. Bush!
Republicans defend the antimissile shield in Poland
Leading Republican politicians have appealed to President Barack Obama not to go through with the antimissile shield plan in Poland and the Czech Republic.
March 6, 2009
‘New Europe’ Longs for Bush as Obama Turns Focus to EU, Russia
March 2, 2009
"'Smart diplomacy' is a meaningless idea, but if it has any meaning at all, it is not ever doing something as humiliating, amateurish, and stupid as this."
Charles Krauthammer
on All Stars
March 3, 2009
White House mum on Jerusalem attack
Departs from practice of immediately condemning terrorism against Israelis
World Net Daily
March 6, 2009
Hillary: U.S. funds won't reach Hamas
But aid slated for agency that openly employs terrorist group
World Net Daily
March 2, 2009
Israel has already forfeited Jerusalem
Jews barred as U.S. helps Arabs fortify their presence in holy city
World Net Daily
March 2, 2009
Barack Obama 'too tired' to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown
March 7, 2009
London aghast at President Obama over gifts given to Prime Minister Brown
"President Obama has been rudeness personified towards Britain"
March 7, 2009
Republicans defend the antimissile shield in Poland
Leading Republican politicians have appealed to President Barack Obama not to go through with the antimissile shield plan in Poland and the Czech Republic.
March 6, 2009
‘New Europe’ Longs for Bush as Obama Turns Focus to EU, Russia
March 2, 2009
"'Smart diplomacy' is a meaningless idea, but if it has any meaning at all, it is not ever doing something as humiliating, amateurish, and stupid as this."
Charles Krauthammer
on All Stars
March 3, 2009
White House mum on Jerusalem attack
Departs from practice of immediately condemning terrorism against Israelis
World Net Daily
March 6, 2009
Hillary: U.S. funds won't reach Hamas
But aid slated for agency that openly employs terrorist group
World Net Daily
March 2, 2009
Israel has already forfeited Jerusalem
Jews barred as U.S. helps Arabs fortify their presence in holy city
World Net Daily
March 2, 2009
Barack Obama 'too tired' to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown
March 7, 2009
London aghast at President Obama over gifts given to Prime Minister Brown
"President Obama has been rudeness personified towards Britain"
March 7, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sometimes You Find It Easier to Have the Faith!
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