Monday, June 28, 2010

There Is No News Anymore, Only State-Run Propaganda!

Today I read an email from one of my trusted news sources, One News Now, and find that Google (or some upstanding liberal extremist who only wants to make sure you get the "truth") has been sabotaging links to the One News Now website. It seems when you try to go to their website, you get a warning page from Google that says your computer may be harmed if you go to their site! Incredible the links people will go to prevent others from knowing the truth, or even just to get all the information to make their own informed decisions!

Long ago I learned we didn't really get news anymore, more especially since Obama has been on the scene. He himself keeps staff quite busy whitewashing and even erasing (I've seen it more than once personally) unflattering news stories about him. Then there's the news media who completely abandoned true investigative reporting when they had to make sure their guy got elected. They have too much invested to make a complete turnaround and actually start reporting real news on the guy now! Then there are the extreme leftists who don't want any alternative information or any debate because, frankly, when there is real debate, THEY LOSE! So they just sabotage, ridicule, and spew hate with their talking points and kool-aid, screaming loudly to speak over any alternate view.

The state-run mainstream media of late has been unbelievable telling us how we really do like the health care bill, the economy is really growing, and Obama is the great REFORM president! You don't have to look far to find the truth, but you do have to use a little energy and a little wisdom (something vastly lacking in many American sheeple). Right here in the small town where I live I was witness to one of the scams by the Obama administration in finagling the job numbers. They were letting census-workers go, only to rehire them for another position or another location, SO THEY COULD INFLATE THE NEW JOB NUMBERS!!

Isn't it amazing that the National Enquirer has become the REAL news?? Who would have ever believed it 20 years ago? But they broke the John Edwards' baby story and the Al Gore sexual assault story. Incredible!

I never believe anything I hear from the Obama administration or the mainstream media, I mean NEVER! If it sounds good, I KNOW it is a lie or there is an ulterior sinister motive, and the amazing thing is, I am always right!! This guy never fails; he is ALWAYS up to no good! But then, I never expected any differently! I knew going in what kind of person he was, and it is the reason I fought so hard against him. And NOW, people are waking up, but I'm afraid it is too late for this country. This guy is so busy doing so many destructive things under the radar, things we don't learn about until it is said and done and too late, that there is no hope for this country. I wish the liberals and the sheeple (those who aren't really liberal, but blindly accept what they are told by liberals) could hear how many callers into many of the conservative talk shows are people formerly from communist countries who are afraid of the path their free America is taking! THEY can see it plainly, but somehow our American liberals believe we can do it better! Sounds like that pride that will go before that sure fall. Sounds like the prideful nation in Revelation that will fall. Sounds like there is no escaping the destruction. But there is salvation in the REAL truth. God is still on the throne and is still at work. I believe many people will come to salvation because of the hard times, but I am confident there will be hard times for America.