Thursday, January 14, 2010

Obama Plans to Steal the 2010 Vote!

Very scary universal registration bill to give Obama control of the vote:

"The idea, embraced by Barack Obama when he was a presidential candidate, is to shift responsibility for registering to vote from the individual to the federal government. All eligible citizens would automatically be registered to vote, which existing lists such as DMV records, income-tax returns, welfare rolls and unemployment lists being used to enroll everyone. Once registered, individuals would stay on the federal rolls, even if they move to another state or district."

Regardless of the way they will spin it, there is only one reason for a universal automatic voter registration, and that is to allow more successful buying of votes and FRAUD! They get caught in their schemes now when more people vote for the Democrat candidate than are registered to vote. The solution? Get more people on the rolls registered to vote!

Please, people, don't tire yet! Keep the pressure on and keep educating the public. Maybe we can stop Obama before he forces ALL of his evil schemes upon us.

And pray for Scott Brown in the Massachusetts Senate race. Breaking the filibuster-proof margin in the Senate would at least help to stall some of the most dangerous laws currently planned to be forced upon us.

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