Monday, July 28, 2008

I Can't Judge, But I Can't Agree

Joseph Farah, the Christian founder of World Net Daily, has an article today encouraging people to take a stand and vote None of the Above in the presidential election.

I'm not sure that's a stand, but perhaps a non-stand. But I can't judge his motives. It's just like when Dr. James Dobson said this might be the first election he may have to sit out, I didn't really agree, but knowing his heart, I couldn't call him out as wrong. It seems now he may go ahead and vote for McCain because not doing so could give a vote for the alternative and that is unthinkable! But Joseph Farah says both options are unthinkable. I tended to agree for awhile. Then one day I thought about prioritizing what were truly the most important issues facing us and decided they were life first, the homosexual agenda second, and our borders and sovereignty third. Well, as the guy said in a song, two out of three ain't bad. Well, it still feels bad, but perhaps it shouldn't be. Those may be the only two issues McCain has going for him, but they are the most important. And the fact that there's no guarantee who he'll appoint for the Supreme Court. NO guarantee is a GOOD thing?? I'm not one of these naive enough to think he will give us conservative constitutionalist judges. Why would someone with liberal views choose conservative judges, no matter what he says!! BUT it's a guarantee you will get an evil Ruth Bader Ginsburg if you vote for Obama; at least we have a chance with McCain. But McCain's a wimp; he doesn't really take a strong stand on anything. Although they try to tell us he is solidly pro-life, he can make exceptions for junk science! :-( Although he says he won't support homosexual marriage, he won't support a federal marriage amendment, so it will happen, and plus, there's his stunt on the Ellen Degeneres Show, so he still panders to the left. So there you have it, I believe in voting for the lesser of two evils, but that means we still get evil. We lost the election when John McCain became our candidate! It will be bad whoever becomes our President, so I can't judge these people who don't want to vote for bad McCain. I WOULD however judge anyone who voted for Obama!! We are told to use a righteous judgment on issues like that, and when he so blatantly tramples God's laws, we gotta choose God over Obama!! And I still feel like we have to do whatever we can to keep Obama out of office. So many things are at stake now, I don't think we will ever recover from an Obama presidency. Think of how long and hard we have fought Clinton's veto of the partial birth abortion ban and it's STILL being fought!! And the bad unconstitutional ruling of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton can't be reversed after 35 years!! No, there's far too much at stake now that will take us completely and irreversibly over the edge. But God says He puts into power who He wants, and we definitely deserve whoever we get. It seems to be a matter of whether we race into destruction or take it a bit slower! And since God says He will shorten the end times for His elect's sake, I'm afraid we are doomed for Obama! :-(


Irv said...

While you're seeking truth re the election, take time to Google "Open Letter to the Noah/Lot Gang" and "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right." Irv

seekyetruth said...

I love the dangerous radicals of the religious right! Thank you! It took me awhile to find the actual Noah/Lot gang letter rather than just references to it. It's sad, but it's true. The tone of it bothers me a little. Although our God will indeed be the righteous judge and will deal with the hardened hearts as He sees fit, it makes me sad for those who honestly don't know what they are doing. They can't know. If they truly knew that one day they WILL be on bended knee before their Lord and they WILL know what they have done (only it will be too late then), I have to believe they would behave differently. They don't know and that is sad. The agenda is bad, the agenda is death, and we have to try to stop those who blindly follow the agenda believing it is a more "loving tolerant" view, but the people are lost and yes, they will be given over if they persist, but if only we can reach them with truth before they go that far.....