Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Insanity of the Global Warming and Environmental Movements

I have long felt the man-made global warming hysteria was based on a lie, but I heard something today I just couldn't believe, something that takes us beyond stupid; it's just insane! The information has actually been out there for a couple of years, but I didn't know it. We are having this debate right now about drilling off our coasts. They are talking about drilling 50 miles off our coasts, but still the environmentalists say NO. But today I find out China and Cuba are drilling 50 miles OFF OUR COASTS, but we can't?? How exactly are we saving our seas from man if everyone else can still use them, only we can't? Just like the insanity of the US perhaps having more reserves than ALL of the Middle East, but we prefer to be dependent on them. WE could be suppliers to the world, perhaps even get out of debt, and be a real sovereign independent nation, but NO, that's exactly the opposite of what the insane environmentalist movement wants. I don't believe that THEY even fully realize what they want or WHY they want it. Oh, they can say because it's a WORLD problem, we have to work with the world, be a part of the world, and quit being the arrogant bully of the world. Seems to me if we just left the U. N. and the world to itself and just took care of ourselves, we couldn't be accused of bullying. But anyway, anyone who knows his Bible and the TRUTH knows that we are not to be of the world, not to be conformed to this world, and especially not to a one-world government! I have become convinced that when these things just don't make sense, it's obvious it's spiritual! People are blinded into thinking they are doing what's good and right and cannot see otherwise. But Bible-believing Christians know the truth even though those wise in their own eyes do not.

More of the insanity that proves it's really not about saving our planet - If Al Gore and the like really believed that the world is going to burn up in 10 years, would he continue to fly private jets and burn 20 times more energy in his home than the average Americans do? And don't give me the "carbon credits" garbage. If this really were a crisis, would waving money at the jet give us more time? How about the insanity of burning our food for fuel? Once again don't give me the garbage about it being a different kind of corn or the part we don't eat or whatever else they say. Even IF that were completely true, and I'm not at all convinced it is, it's still a fact that if farmers are using their fields to grow more corn for ethanol, then they aren't growing food and what will that do to our food supply? Then they are making us use light bulbs that will save the environment because they last longer and use less energy, BUT they have dangerous mercury in them and just where do environmentalists think those old broken light bulbs will go, but to landfills polluting our environment. If it's really our beautiful pristine lands that the environmentalists are concerned with, then why aren't they screaming about what illegal aliens are doing to our beautiful deserts in the Southwest? Maybe nothing because keeping open borders plays into the one-world agenda. The insanity of the movement's actions proves it must be based on lies. This is about something much bigger!! And Christians need to wake up to what is happening! There doesn't appear to be much time left when you consider how quickly events are unfolding.

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