Thursday, February 19, 2009

Power to the People!

I'm re-energized by good news the past couple of days. Oh, definitely not any news from the mainstream media or any Obama or government news is any good, but good news of people rising up to take a stand either because of or in spite of strong opposition. As much as I enjoy and agree with Rush and Hannity, the news can get very depressing. There just seems to be no stopping the destruction. I have come to have a greater appreciation for the people who discuss the issues from a Biblical perspective, like Janet Parshall's America, the Scott Wilder Show (Dallas area), and the Laura Ingraham Show. These are more uplifting when you can see the light and not just the darkness all the time. We must remember that in Biblical times when God brought His judgment and wrath on His people, it was always about turning His people back to Him. And that is what is happening. It may be too late to save this country from its hell-bent nose-dive, but many people will begin to look to God for answers when their Obama fails them. Many people will start listening to the truth. Not all, sadly. We know there will continue to be a falling away from the Word in these times, but many people will turn.

In Laura Ingraham's Power to the People segment a couple of days ago, she highlighted a young woman in very liberal Washington who finally couldn't take it anymore, and even though she couldn't actually "do" anything about this horrible spendulous bill that just went through, she could voice her opposition and perhaps enlighten others. She's another Blogger, Liberty Belle, and the title of her blog, states her mission: Redistributing Knowledge. And lots of people came out, and perhaps lots more saw messages that may give them pause for thought:

Liberty Belle became energized meeting other like-minded people and getting her message out. Laura reminded us that the liberals really do want us to become demoralized. Their favorite tactic is brow-beating into submission. Unity and bi-partisanship always means go to their side only. Why can't we all just compromise and unify behind LIFE? Compromise never works between a moral and immoral people, between good and evil, between right and wrong; it just means compromising values away. We should never become demoralized; after all, we're right! Whether our country as a whole agrees or not, we should never compromise our own values or be afraid to stand for Godly principles.

Then there is this gem of a child who stood up for what she believed in and gave her speech even though her teacher told her it would disqualify her from a competition:

Read the whole story at World Net Daily:

12-year-old steals day with pro-life speech

Power to the People!

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