Monday, February 23, 2009

The Sad Case of Dustin Lance Black

Dustin Lance Black won an Academy Award last night for writing "Milk", the story of Harvey Milk, the first openly homosexual man to be elected to major public office in America. In his acceptance speech, Black told of moving to California when he was 13 years old and hearing the story of Harvey Milk. It gave him hope, it gave him hope, it gave him hope, as he repeated three times. It is so painfully sad that he looked to a practicing homosexual for his hope and not to Jesus Christ! It is true what Black said about all the gay and lesbians being beautiful, wonderful creatures of value, and that God loves them, but what he failed to recognize is that GOD WANTS THEM TO REPENT of their abominable acts!

Homosexuality is an action; it is not a person! All people are born with sinful natures. We all struggle with our individual sins. Some people may be born with a strong sexual, even if heterosexual, desire that leads them to promiscuity or adultery or even rape. Can a rapist be forgiven by the law because "he was born that way"? Some people may be born with kleptomania, a strong desire to take things. If that person steals, is he to be forgiven by the law because "he was born that way"? Why on earth do we think the sin of homosexuality is any different? It IS a sin; there is no denying it. God called it an abomination! But some people prefer to remain in their lustful acts, but it doesn't really bring the peace they long for. Instinctively, they know it's not right. Where do these instincts come from? They are from God, so they have to tell themselves it is okay with God because "He made them that way". They have to change laws so perhaps the law doesn't make them feel bad. They are constantly trying to feel better about themselves, to have peace about who they are, to have joy, but sadly, they will never find it this way. And in the meanwhile, they are setting themselves up as examples to others, and are leading them the wrong way.

And Hollywood cheers! Hollywood awards and promotes sin. "Judge not, lest ye be judged" is their motto taken out of context. If they don't judge sin, maybe no one will judge theirs. Notice how every year the Academy awards some sin? Homosexuality, sexual depravity, violence, a "right to die". As if Hollywood actors should be our role models? How many of them seem truly happy and fulfilled as they flit from one affair to another searching for something, but knowing not what?

Hollywood cheers and mainstream America is apathetic. Lukewarm, God calls it, and He HATES lukewarm people. God gave us the warning to use Sodom and Gomorrah as an example and not to go their way, but we choose to ignore it. We actively CHOOSE to ignore; we instinctively know better, but it's easier if we pretend we don't. Pretending or choosing not to believe God won't change the outcome.

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