Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Democrats Censor Obama's Very Own Words as Offensive!

This is an incredible story about how the Democrats on the Franking Commission are censoring House Republicans' mailings to their own constituents:

GOP Not Allowed to Say 'Government-Run Healthcare'

Carter & Co. Kick House Censors

Very interesting to note that the Democrats find Obama's very own words offensive and censor them, as well:

"Look, the first thing for all of us to understand that is we actually have some -- some choices to make about how we want to deal with our own end-of-life care… we as a culture and as a society [can start] to make better decisions within our own families and for least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what? Maybe this isn't going to help. Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."

I agree, it is very offensive! But he said it, and it's what he meant, and that needs to be understood by the American people, but as always, liberal Democrats don't really want people to know what they really think. They have to hide it or disguise it with pleasant-sounding words so that the American people won't know and won't be offended by what they want to do.

Also censored were the very same words used by Nancy Pelosi when she spoke of "the Republican majority". But now the words "Democratic majority" are not allowed. We must not be allowed to think that any of this could be solely the fault of the Democrats, now could we???

Once again, a testament to the amazing TRANSPARENCY of this administration!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At this point, the "painkillers" won't help head is officially in a coma from banging it on concrete in frustration!!!!