Sunday, July 26, 2009

You Will Cry Out in That Day Because of Your King Whom You Have Chosen for Yourselves, and the LORD Will Not Hear You

Scary words from our Lord in 1 Samuel 8:18. The same chilling words are found in Jeremiah when God told Jeremiah not to even pray for the wicked people because He would not hear him. The people in Samuel insisted on their worldly king to be like the other countries. "Give us a king to judge us" they begged, even though they had the most loving, merciful, righteous judge. "Give us a king to judge us" they insisted even when Samuel told them what a worldly king would do to them. Samuel was sick about it! But the Lord told him that it wasn't about Samuel, it was about the people rejecting their Lord; it was about them ignoring all He had done for them and forsaking Him for the gods of the world. And He gave them what they wanted, or so what they thought they wanted. And He wasn't interested in hearing their cries when their king wasn't all they hoped for. They had all the warning they needed beforehand, but they chose to ignore the warnings.

Sound at all familiar? This election was very personal to me. I have people in my own family who voted for Obama. I just want to take them by the shoulders, shaking and screaming, "How could you do this to us!?" "How could you do this to our mother?" The scary wicked stream coming from this administration on a daily, if not hourly basis, is the stuff of an Orwellian futuristic science fiction thriller, but it's HERE and NOW! Written into the so-called health care reform bill is nightmarish language of a person's production and usefulness to society being measured to determine their treatment plans. Written into the bill are provisions for forced end-of-life counseling including information on assisted suicide!! Obama has surrounded himself with the most corrupt, wicked, horrific, extreme left individuals in his cabinet. He has chosen 35 czars who don't even have to have Congressional approval! He has chosen czars for posts that mimic cabinet posts! Why are these necessary?? Perhaps to get the people he really wanted in the first place, but was afraid they were too radical to get confirmed?? He has crazy czars who believe in population control to "protect" a society, who believe in forced abortions, forced sterilization, and one wacko even spoke of adding a sterilant to drinking water! Then there's the gem who believes animals should have the right to sue people!!

These things seem way too bizarre to be happening in our country! There's a segment of the population who may find it impossible to believe. I have to keep telling myself that many of these people, many seemingly good people, have just been spiritually blinded. This country insisted on turning its back on God and His righteous laws. With their lofty ideals, they decided they could overlook abortion and vote for a man who voted three times to let BORN ALIVE BABIES die!! They could overlook that because he stood for so many grander ideals! So God allows them to have what they wanted, and now they get forced abortions and sterilization!! They could overlook his support for the killing of Terri Schiavo and for assisted suicide and right to die. So how does forced starvation and killing of your own mother grab you?? Is this change all you hoped for??? It makes me crazy!

But I know, even in this, even if God will not hear our prayers and stop this mad man, that He still protects and blesses His people. He still saves people from eternal death. Our comfortable lives on this planet are not His top priorities. It is the salvation of our very souls that is most important. It is His desire that we, in our utter despair, realize that we were wrong to turn from Him, and repent and turn to Him. Christians will die; Christians will be sacrificed - we know that from reading Biblical prophecy. It need not be now. There are times when God delays His judgment when His people turn from their wicked ways and seek HIM. Why, it is a 99.9% certainty that the guy in the White House is not even eligible to be there! He could be stopped. I realize that it would be horrible on this country if he were removed from office. There could be riots and killing in the streets. There would be utter chaos. It could financially ruin the country. But perhaps that would be within God's will. We deserve His righteous judgment and punishment for the wickedness of this country in the killing of innocent life and turning its back on all His moral laws. But imagine if this people said they didn't care what disaster may come, they just wanted to oust their wicked leader, and return to their Lord. Imagine the possibilities for outcome in that scenario. Even if we can't remove the wicked man, we can possibly stop his agenda by screaming at the top of our lungs to our representatives, demanding it be stopped. I'm not convinced that that will be enough as Obama has been cleverly setting up czars who don't have to answer to Congress and he's taking over the census and funding fraudulent corrupt ACORN with $8 billion in efforts to insure his reelection. Let's pray this wicked man be removed and accept our fate!

If people are blinded, then it was God's will that they be blinded and He can lift the scales. But people have to turn to their Lord for Him to do it. I realize that if people are only listening to the mainstream state-run media, it's more difficult to see the truth. But there are many, many outlets out there speaking truth, and if they turn to their Lord, He'll lead them to truth.

By the way, regarding the state-run media, it seems it is worldwide now. Remember the African news that reported Africa was the continent of Obama's birth? Well, the ARCHIVED copy of that news report has been changed to say the continent of Obama's father's birth! Incredible! For very good coverage on the czars, see Family Research Council at has always done an excellent job of researching all Obama's cabinet picks and czars; just search "change watch". Betsy McCaughey is one of the few people who actually reads the bills coming out of Congress. Anywhere you can read an article or hear an interview from her, it's sure to have you wide-eyed and drop-jawed. There's a recent interview on the Fred Thompson Show.

...acknowledge thine iniquity...turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord...And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. - Jeremiah 3:13-15


Anonymous said...

Two things -

1.) Did you read todays Dallas Morning News article regarding his birth certificate? It was in the "Most Commented" section. You should comment!!!!

2.) I read a bumper sticker that was e-mailed to me that sums up what he stands for...

Obama Justice
It's ok to murder the unborn but
don't EVER waterboard a terrorist!

Coffee Crazed

seekyetruth said...

Thanks for the heads up. I did comment. Yep, that bumper sticker states it right on. Incredible that liberals can't see the lunacy in that, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

DId you read on Fox News on-line that Obama's birth certificate was "proven" real "again"?

seekyetruth said...

Actually, I read it on World News Daily. The "proof" was given by a Hawaiian official with a very few carefully selected words. So what do you think about that?