Sunday, August 2, 2009

Obama's Picture on White House Site is Worth 1000 Words

Arrogant, selfish, inconsiderate, self-absorbed, rude, ill-mannered, discourteous, snobbish, to name a few? Acting stupidly, perhaps? That's Sgt. Crowley helping a handicapped Professor Gates behind the Oblivious One. You remember the Sgt. Crowley who was called racist by Prof. Gates and "acting stupidly" by Obama? Incredible is the fact that no one on the White House staff even realized that there was anything wrong with this photo! This is the administration that truly cares about you!

In contrast, one of the articles I read about this showed a photo of former President Bush with one of his harshest critics in Congress:

'Nuf said.


Anonymous said...

Where did you get those pics? Why isn't it plastered on the front page of every newspaper, bus, and T.V. news??? Oh, that is right...he can do no wrong! Heading for the Tylenol....again.

seekyetruth said...

The two photos, one of Obama and one of Bush, came from American Thinker:

The one of Obama is an official White House photo by Pete Souza, taken directly from the White House blog site, but if great negative winds start blowing over this, as they should, it may well be removed. But here it is at present on that site:

I don't think this comment section will allow links, so you'll have to copy and paste or type in the web address.

Evann said...

Wow. This is an incredible post. Thanks!! I hope you don't mind, but I copied it all as one of my posts, linking it and quoting it to your blog.

(Oh, and thank you for your comment on my blog!)

seekyetruth said...

Oh, yes, of course! As you can see, I lifted it from an article I had read. The more people who see and understand these things, the better! Thanks for spreading the word!