Sunday, August 23, 2009

One Way or Another the RFID Tracking "Mark" Will Be Forced Upon Us!

One way or another, the radio frequency identification chip is sure to be forced upon us. If we can't be convinced of a need for routine tracking purposes, then we can be forced into it for the "global good" to identify "bio-threats". The following article appeared in World Net Daily today:

Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants
Company developing under-the-skin devices to detect 'bio-threats'

Those of us who watch the times as we were told to do by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, see the possibility that the RFID chip could be the "mark of the beast", without which may no man buy or sell. You can really see the spiritual battle behind this push for RFID. It MUST be put into action, one way or another. If one way doesn't work, then another way will be found. Doesn't this reasoning make perfect sense? For global good, citizens of the world must be chipped. For those anti-world "extremists" who don't want to go along with it, all these government-run benefits that are being put into place (social security, disability, health care, transportation, and ultimately probably the food you eat) will be withheld unless you receive the chip mark. Interesting, exciting, and perilous times we live in!


Mickey said...

Please wait a minute. I think that a beast may mark my body, but that is not my soul. I dwell within God and no mark or beast can remove me from God.
To think that a mark/beast can steal me away from God, places God in a VERY weak position.
I have anchored my soul in God.
The gates of hell shall not prevail, and that includes any government mark or tag.

seekyetruth said...

It would be when we CHOOSE to take that mark that would remove us from God. And the Bible speaks specifically of a time when some will receive the mark of the beast. We don't know exactly what that mark will be at this time, but we can be certain that some people will be deceived and will choose it. We also know that the saints will be persecuted. We must stay in the Word so that we may properly discern, because even Satan may appear as an angel of light.