Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Savior Obama to the Rescue!

Regrettably, I am so incredibly busy with DIY remodeling and trying to move that I can't write much right now, but it's not because Obama isn't an outrage a minute! The news just slays me today with the official news from the government-run Social Security that there will be no cost of living increase in social security checks next year, but the government executor will himself give seniors $250.00! He couldn't just okay S/S to pay the increase. No, magnanimous Saint Obama must himself be the one to save the seniors! The same Obama who wants to cut their Medicare 20% that will result in rationed health care. But the IMAGE must be that HE is the savior to be adored! It was absolutely sickening to hear the comments of people standing in line in Michigan for handouts positively singing the praises of Obama because he was giving them money! This is a sick society under this administration becoming sicker by the day with Obama's obvious hatred for what has always made America great. He sucks up to the people who hate us, shoves our best allies under the bus, disdainfully cuts down heartland Americans and their values, spends our children's futures forcing them into a bondage never known in this country, and marches onward to Marxism. People better wake up and start looking to their only real savior and reject the godlessness of this antichrist! And no, I'm not saying he is THE antichrist, but never in our recent history has there been such an antichrist spirit at the helm. It's probably too late. As God told Jeremiah,

"Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them, nor make intercession to Me; for I will not hear you." - Jeremiah 7:16

But we should be turning back to Him regardless of the fate of this country, for individual salvation. This country got what she deserved when she so blatantly turned to a wicked man for their hope rather than the things of God. This country will suffer greatly but as always with our great and merciful Lord, He turns His back in order for His people to realize how much they really need Him and turn back to Him, their only true savior. But how long must we endure the punishment that is Obama?


Servant of God said...

Obama is not the Antichrist. As the Bible clearly shows, John Key, the Prime Minister of New Zealand must be the prophesised Antichrist.

seekyetruth said...

Well, I agree with you that Obama is not THE Antichrist, but the Bible says there will be many antichrists, and there is no denying he has the spirit of antichrist. I'm not sure I agree that the Bible proves it is John Key; I guess time will tell. Thanks for your comment.