Sunday, October 18, 2009

White House Admits That It Controls the News, But Says FOX News Is Not Really News (Maybe Because It Is Not Controlled?)

It makes me crazy the way this administration constantly accuses opponents of doing exactly what it does. This administration does one thing and tells the people it is actually doing another and says that it's the other side that's really doing the first thing. And somehow we're supposed to just take their word for it, and sadly, many people do. The latest example is the laughable comment by David Axelrod that FOX News "is not really a news station"; "IT'S PUSHING A POINT OF VIEW"! The emphasis is mine. Incredible that the mainstream media that does Obama's bidding is considered "NEWS", but any that dares to question the GREAT TRANSPARENT ONE cannot be news.

Anyone who questions whether or not the mainstream media is a state-run media, well, just take the word of the White House itself in the following World Net Daily article:

White House Admits: We 'Control' News Media

Oh, yes, I know, apparently liberals don't consider World Net Daily a real news media either, since they actually investigate and try to find the TRUTH about the Transparent One.

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