Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Thoughts on Bart Stupak

There are those who are screaming that Bart Stupak betrayed pro-lifers! He lied! Well, DUH! He's a Democrat! I never had faith that he would stand till the end. Democrats never do! Oh, sure, there were some thirty-odd Democrat votes against the health care bill, and they may claim it was because of the abortion issue, but I guarantee you that if their votes were needed, they would have folded, too. They were ALLOWED to vote as they did because their votes weren't needed. There is not one person of real integrity in the Democrat Party. You'll never convince me that it is so. If they truly had values and moral conviction, they could never associate with such an evil platform! Don't get me wrong, Republicans are not all good, either. BUT all good men are Republicans (or Independents), but NEVER a Democrat! Of course, I guess it depends on what your definition of GOOD is, so let's just say all true Christ-following Christians or righteous men would be Republicans or maybe Independents, but never Democrats. Their consciences would never allow them to be Democrats. I've known a few good Democrats in public office, but they changed parties when they realized they could no longer accept the Democrat platform!

So no betrayal by Bart Stupak, as far as I'm concerned. He's a spineless liar, just as they all are. BUT - the lives of hundreds of thousands of babies are on his head! He is PERSONALLY responsible for the lives of innocent babies because he could have been the one to prevent the health care bill from passing! He pretended to stand for life all this time, but folded at the last minute? What kind of stand is that??? A deceitful one, at best, but I just think he couldn't help it. He's a Democrat! That's what Democrats do!

Regarding the Demwit's reasons for folding - some executive order that would prevent abortion funding AFTER THE FACT??? What a joke! THE MOST PRO-ABORTION PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY is going to sign that executive order??? Also don't forget to add, the most LYING president we ever had!! Is Stupak an idiot??? No, he knows better than that; that was just his cover for wimping out. But it's a mighty sheer cover. He just thinks WE'RE STUPID! As all Dems do. The VERY NEXT DAY Planned Parenthood is claiming victory in that "We were able to keep the Stupak abortion ban out of the final legislation and President Obama did not include the Stupak language in his executive order." What FOOLS they are, or more likely, what fools they think we are!!

Well, I intend to tell Bart Stupak, if my letter will ever get to him personally, that because of his GAME with innocent life, HE is the one personally responsible for those lives! May they be on his conscience and I hope he can truly come to see the truth of what he himself did.

This is why I can't post political stuff on here much anymore. It makes me too angry! There's a helpless feeling when the people aren't heard or the sheeple are deceived and can't see truth or reason, when you see an evil corrupt government taking over and bringing about prophetic end times. BUT that feeling is brief, because our help and hope has never come from government or a PERSON (remember the HOPE and CHANGE mantra?), but only from our Lord.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought. -- Jeremiah 17:7-8

No worries!


Anonymous said...

Now that the President has signed the executive order has your opinion changed?
I see this as some sign that a cooperative effort may help both parties to begin building a more positive future for our nation.
We may disagree on many issues, but we must know that destruction of any working relationship between the various political parties will only lead to a destruction of our Nation.

Anonymous said...

So much Christ in your voice?

seekyetruth said...

Sorry, doesn't change a thing! The executive order is absolutely meaningless! Everyone agrees, even Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, has gleefully pointed out that it is only a symbolic gesture that has absolutely no bearing on what the law does and does not fund. All one has to do is look at what this president's record is on life to know that he would never do anything that would limit abortion! He is the most pro-abortion president in history and has gone out of his way to remove all barriers to abortion around the world! And no, it is no cooperative effort; it is merely another deceit by a man who can do nothing but lie. As far as a working relationship between the parties - who has already completely destroyed that??? The Transparent Bipartisan One who did what has never been done before in the history of our government, taken government control over 1/6th of our economy, FORCING it on the American people, the majority of whom did not want it, with NO bi-partisanship at all. Never has a bill this huge been passed by only one party with not even one vote from the other party. Then he signs a worthless piece of paper as a symbolic gesture and his adoring fans are supposed to believe he is the great unifier!

I'm sorry, but it takes more than a piece of paper and this man's words to persuade me. I look at what he's said and then what he's done; I look at the people surrounding him, people he has personally chosen, who are the most corrupt, most of whom are Marxists; I look at what he and they have said in the past; and I'm watching him do exactly what he has told us all along he would do. He is transforming America, he is redistributing the wealth, creating a socialist country where the citizens have no freedom and the government has all, while his teleprompter tells him what to say to seduce the sheeple. And while he's giving those speeches, he's often blaspheming Christ, twisting His words, and even literally covering Him up!

seekyetruth said...

So, to answer your first question, no, my opinion has not changed one bit! And as far as the Christ in my voice, I'm sorry. I'm very passionate about this. It has been said that my spiritual gift is prophecy. Some people mistake it for foretelling the future. Not that, just proclaiming the Word, trying to get people to see truth before it is too late. Only I want to take them by the shoulders and shake some sense into them sometimes! I've recently been reminded of a conversation I had with some people who are close to me a year before Obama was elected. We were discussing end time prophecy (now talking about the Bible's foretelling of future events) and I made the comment that it would be coming about much sooner if we elected a Democrat as President, and I was immediately hushed because I musn't say such "offensive" things. And we are now witnessing a president who is moving us toward the end more rapidly than even I imagined. In this move, he has pretty much taken away all freedom. Think about how much health care involves. It is what we eat, what we do, how we live. It's how many children we have. What we read and listen to and who we associate with contributes to mental health, right? Owning a gun is a health hazard. You just watch, we will lose all freedom. And as a person who has been coached in Marxism all his life, he is purposely trying to destroy our economy. Just read the books he has been reading! He and all his cabinet and czars! The rules are you must destroy the economy and make the people dependent on the government and then you can have all the power. Then the ultimate goal is a one-world government where we redistribute America's wealth to poorer nations. One-world government, the antichrist, Armageddon, the end. Obama is hurling us toward it at breakneck speed, and people don't see it. Many just can't see it; their eyes have been blinded:

I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. - Isaiah 66:4

We have been pushing God away and compromising His Word for a long time. We have the blood of millions of the most innocent babies under our feet, and God detests that most of all - He said it many times, but somehow we think we can look the other way and choose the most wicked men to be our leaders, people who seem to think we don't do enough abortions! God said that we were to use Sodom and Gomorrah as an example, but we choose to ignore it, and think we are being so open-minded and loving by accepting homosexual marriage as the law of the land. Why can't we see? Because He has caused the delusion. But I am sure in my heart of one thing - if we would pick up our Bibles and stay in His Word every day, truly wanting to see truth, I have no doubt He would reveal it. It's just many people will never do it; they think they know what is right - "right in their own eyes" it says in the Word. We'll only know what is truly right when we study what God has to say. Then we have to get on our knees, pray for forgiveness, and change our evil ways. THEN will God hear us and He will open our eyes, because when we seek Him with all our hearts, He will be found!