Sunday, March 21, 2010

There Is NO SUCH THING as a PRO-LIFE Democrat! You're Lying If You Say It's So!

Anyone who can change his mind and compromise life if the price is right is NOT pro-life. And regarding those 34 Dems who voted against the health care bill, if their votes had been needed to pass this monstrosity, they would have folded, too! A Democrat never fails to fold on moral issues - NEVER! Actually, they never seem to fail at folding - PERIOD! Not when the great Obama insists. If they were truly pro-life, they wouldn't be Democrats, because they wouldn't be able to stomach their party's platform.

It's truly a sad day for this country, for freedom, for the Constitution. And I'm so angry at the lying, corruption, and arm-twisting, to force something on the American people that they were shouting loudly and clearly that they didn't want! And tonight I can't help but be angry at the 25% portion of the 70% of Americans who DIDN'T want this bill who could have stopped us from having Obama as president if they had just listened to him on the campaign trail back then. He told us what he would do. He said he wanted universal health care. He said he wanted to share the wealth. He said it would cost us. He surrounded himself with people who later became his cabinet who told us they believe in population control and formulas for figuring out a person's worth when it comes to health care (i. e. death panels). He told us everything and you voted for him anyway!

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2


Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a PRO-LIFE GOD either! You're lying if you say it's so!
Millions of infants have had their heads bashed in because God ordered it.

seekyetruth said...

Actually, the God of the Bible IS a PRO-LIFE God and I speak the truth! He is the ONLY One who offers eternal life through Christ Jesus!

You would have to give me context for me to argue the specifics with you, but the God of the Bible is a just God. When He takes a life, if it is an innocent baby or any innocent or saved person, then that soul is with Him. And to be with Him is ETERNAL life! But for a human being to take the position of God and to murder an innocent baby, and deprive the world of a person who could have contributed much to the lives around him and to the world, is unconscionable, and a sin against God. Those babies are still with Him and have eternal life, sure, but it is for God, the righteous judge, to decide WHEN they go to Him.

Anonymous said...

The Book of Job shows that God is not pro life.
In it God allows a sadistic game to be carried out against rightous people.
There is no after life. The dead are dead, the dying servants and children suffer without reward.
Job confirms this as he prays in Chapt. 14

seekyetruth said...

Ah, Job. I love Job! One of my favorite verses comes from the book of Job: And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. - Job 1:21

Job's wife wanted him to give up, curse God, and die, but he didn't do it!

What we see in Job is a picture of what goes on all the time here on earth. There is a constant struggle in the spiritual world. The god of this world is Satan! Satan could do nothing if God didn't allow it, so this is a picture of how God allows him to persecute us. This is because we have a choice! God didn't create mindless follower robots. Revelation 12:10 speaks of the "accuser of the brethren" who accused them before God DAY AND NIGHT! Satan is constantly at work! Jesus spoke to Peter of a time when Satan was seeking to sift him as wheat, and what was Jesus doing about it? He was praying!! I love this part! He was praying that he would not fail, BUT that when he was converted, he would strengthen the brethren. He was praying that he would not fail, but He knew that He would, so then He was praying that he would then strengthen the brothers when he converted back. The Bible is full of godly righteous people who failed! But they can come back to the Lord! What a tremendous gift to us! We can see that the greatest figures in the Bible failed at times, so we know it's okay when we do, too. What awesome company!

I have a couple of different thoughts about Job's prayer. For one thing he is crying in desperation and you are taking his words as the gospel. He's upset!! Haven't you often said things you didn't really mean when you were upset...or perhaps you have doubts and those doubts surface at that time. But Job also said AFTER this in chapter 19 that he knew his redeemer lived and that he would see him for himself even when his skin and life were gone, he would see God!

But another thing to remember is that this was in the Old Testament. Jesus had not yet come and died and become the perfect sacrifice for our sins, giving us the direct path to God and eternal life. Yet Job still had faith. How much more should we have faith when we have seen the love of God that He would come down to earth in the form of man, be persecuted, and die so that we may have life! There was no way we could be good enough and we were failing terribly, so He provided the way.

One last thought about Job if it all seems so unfair. God's ways are higher than our ways. He used Job and his story to teach millions afterward about faith. Millions have probably come to salvation because of Job's testimony! And Job was greatly blessed in the end! And if God chose to take Job's children, and if they were innocent, then they are with Him! And being with Him saves them from a cruel world where Satan is persecuting us all the time! But if He chooses to allow us to stay on earth, then may our lives be used for the good of others. The greatest commandment was to love one another. And what greater love than we lay down our lives for one another. Of course, Jesus was the one who truly gave His life that we might live, but in other ways, our lives can be used to bring others to Jesus. Really awesome, I think!