Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why Are Our Country's Leaders Trying to Destroy Us?

There appears to be a deliberate attempt to destroy us while lulling us with lies to the contrary. Ever since this president took office, but even before then, with the election of the Democrat Congress in 2006, there has been a very deliberate swing to far-left Socialism. Share the wealth, take from the rich and the large corporations and give to the poor. It gives them money and power to control the purse-strings and it creates a class of people completely dependent on their government and therefore secures future Democrat votes. There has been an enormous government take-over that we have never witnessed before in our history. We have had a form of government health care and retirement with Social Security benefits and Medicare and Medicaid, but it has been expanded to ridiculous lengths. The government take-over of health care is a huge debacle! It isn't even possible for it to work which is so evident by the hundreds of waivers being given to entities that won't have to adhere to it. That law so needs to be overturned. But they are working as fast as they can to offer waivers and give allowances to hush the opposition. The most important thing is that the foot is in the door; the camel's nose is in the tent! If they can just keep the law, the future is theirs!

What about the other government take-overs we have witnessed with banks and automobile companies? When have we ever seen such blatant power grabs of individual companies?

Then there are the gas prices and the energy prices, which in turn necessarily must increase our grocery prices and every other price of every other good made or transported by something using gas or energy! Have you noticed that we are being propagandized nightly about why our gas prices are going up? You know you are being propagandized when you hear it in almost unison by every one of the nightly networks and you hear the same thing daily. Every night we are told that gas prices are going up because of the unrest in Libya. Every night we must be told that. The masses must believe that unrest in Libya is the reason for our troubles. Never mind the fact that this president has said that he wants gas prices to sky-rocket, just not too fast! Pair that with the stories of Obama's links to Gadhafi, or at least his close associates' ties to Gadhafi, and stories following the money trail for the funding of the protests in Egypt back to our own AFL-CIO! Why was Obama so quick to denounce Mubarak, although a dictator, a friend of the US, and encourage the "Democratic uprising" in Egypt? Why was Obama so slow to denounce Gadhafi who was so obviously murdering his own people who protested? For that matter, why does Obama always seem to slam our allies and kowtow to our enemies?

I know the answers to some of these questions. Middle East unrest gives Obama an out; he can tell us our high prices are due to the unrest and take our attention off what he is doing. When the gas prices sky-rocket, he gets to implement his screwy environmental and cap-and-trade schemes. Does it not make the most sense in this country at this stage, to develop our own sources for oil and energy and drill here, creating tens of thousands of new jobs, bringing work and income to THIS country while making us less dependent on countries that hate us? It is insane that some form of this idea is not implemented. It is because it is not wanted. It has never been about the welfare of this country and its people with this administration. Oh, it has probably not been the interest of many an administration, but it has never been so blatant as with this president and his thugs. The more things are in chaos, the more people will believe that they need the government to fix it. The more they believe they need government, the more freedom they relinquish and freely hand over to the government.

Part of the share-the-wealth plan is bringing us as an equal onto the world stage. An equal, not a super-power, not a leader of the free world. We must be brought down to the level of all the third world countries. Remember back to Obama's apology tour around the world where he apologized for and bad-mouthed his own country? It's not enough that we share the wealth in this country, but we must now send it all over the world. Has that not been happening for awhile? Our jobs go overseas, the money for our goods and oil goes overseas. It's part of the plan.

I suppose as I write this, I am answering my own question of late. When I read the dreadful story of how our own border agents are armed with beanbag guns against gangs of bandits armed with AK47's that were supplied by our own government, I just couldn't understand WHY our leaders were doing this. I can read through the lies on so many things, but it wasn't clear why we would supply such evil thugs with guns to kill our own people who are only allowed to use beanbag guns. You couldn't write something so ludicrous and have it believable, and yet it is really happening. I suppose it is all part of the same plan - open borders, no sovereignty, bring us down, make us pay, make us needy and dependent. But this administration has brought it to a new diabolical level! My heart aches for our young men and women in the military and law enforcement being gunned down because this president has so emboldened our enemies with his wishy-washy wimpy apologetic attitude. Some time after Obama was elected, my son was asked to do a survey about whether he was more or less likely to join the military than he might have been a year before (before Obama was elected). He answered that he was much less likely to join the military because he did not trust this president not to ask him to fight Israel or his own countrymen. As a mother, I would have to have added that Obama personally makes the world much more dangerous for our soldiers now!

Our country is a much more dangerous and insecure place, but they keep telling us otherwise. Once again we were propagandized with the constant news that we are coming out of the recession! Obama's plans are working! Unemployment is down to 8.9%! We're in the money!! It's time for celebration! I knew the numbers were tweaked when I heard them. It's a sad state of affairs when I never believe anything this president or his administration says, and I am always right! The news came out that FEDERAL documents themselves showed the number to be 9.5%, but they just "seasonally adjusted" the number! They tweaked their own cherry-picked number! I say it is cherry-picked because the actual unemployment number, including all those who aren't filing for unemployment benefits and those who have given up on finding employment altogether, is 22.1%! That's almost one in four people out of work while they tell us that unemployment is at its lowest level in over a year and praise the work of this president!

The world is going to hell in a handbasket with chaos in the Middle East, earthquakes, storms, brutal murders, rising prices (while we are told there has been no inflation for the past two years!), and a deliberate deceitful destruction from within, but what has been the biggest news of late? Charlie Sheen! Charlie Sheen on every single channel daily! Charlie Sheen with millions of Twitter fans following his every move! It's an unbelievable sad state for our country. It is no wonder we got the president we did. This guy told us up-front what he intended to do! When he lied to us, it was easy to see he was lying if you looked at his record. There were no surprises as far as I was concerned. I was just saddened and angry about how shallow and superficial the average voter was, who didn't bother to look below the surface. But what can you expect from people who make Charlie Sheen their hero? All of this has been by design, too. Long ago, in the early years of our country, only land-owners could vote. It was because they had an investment in their country; they were the property tax-payers and they truly cared what happened to their country. When you have a voting class of transients, illegals, drug abusers, those on welfare and food stamps who only take and don't have an investment, their votes can be bought, and let's face it, they are not the most intelligent of voters. It's also a place fraught with the most fraud. Why do you think Democrats don't want voters to have to show proof of their identification? Another very common-sense idea that is not allowed to be implemented.

There is no security in man, especially the ones running our country at present! There can be no certainty about our country and our way of life. Our monetary system, our goods and food supply, our freedom - none of it is certain and secure. It is time that we put our faith in our heavenly Father and look to Jesus Christ for our salvation, because He is the only One who can save us now!

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