Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Father, Forgive Us for Electing Barack Obama

Our Father in Heaven, please forgive us for electing Barack Obama. We have been a wicked nation and we the people have turned our backs on You. We turned a blind eye to the million innocent babies murdered every year to the idols of lust and convenience, electing someone who promised to go farther than any president has ever gone to protect the slaughter, someone who promised to sign into law a bill that would federally guarantee a woman's right to kill her baby through all nine months of pregnancy, including a fully developed baby within days of birth. This law would abolish all existing state and federal limitations on abortion, including parental consent and notification laws for minors, state and federal funding restrictions on abortion, and conscience protections for pro-life citizens working in the health-care industry, protections against being forced to participate in the practice of abortion or else lose their jobs. We elected a man who will insist on our paying for the slaughter with our tax money. We elected a man who three times voted to refuse care to a baby BORN ALIVE after a botched abortion, allowing precious babies to die of starvation and exposure on cold hard shelves in back rooms of hospitals. How could we be so wicked?

Father, please forgive us for ignoring what you said about homosexuality. You told us to use the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as an example to those who AFTERWARD lived as the Sodomites did! But we turned our backs on You and elected a man who not only vowed to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act that protects marriage as a one man/one woman union but who also wants to repeal the rights of states to decide marriage issues for themselves, thus paving the way for nationwide homosexual marriage. We didn't care that you called homosexuality an abomination but have voted to have it taught to our kindergarteners in school! We elected a man who wants to silence Your people who would dare to speak Your words about homosexuality through so-called "hate crimes" legislation and a so-called "fairness doctrine". We elected a man who supports legislation to make it illegal for an employer to not hire, or to fire, someone because of his sexual orientation, squashing the rights of any of Your people who may have a conscientious objection to hiring someone practicing what You called an abomination.

Father, please forgive us for ignoring Your word about all sexual immorality, and for electing a man who voted for sex education for kindergarteners, is against abstinence-only education, but supports tax-payer funded contraception. Forgive us for electing the ONLY person in the Illinois legislature at that time to vote to give good time early release to sex offenders. Forgive us for electing a man who voted against school boards installing software on public computers accessible to minors to block sexually explicit material.

Father, please forgive us for ignoring Your word and turning a blind eye to You, the Creator, instead worshiping the created world and denying that you had any part in its creation. We save the trees and kill the children! We elected a man who said he doesn't want intelligent design taught in schools, only evolution. Even though You told us NOT to look to the world, we elected a man who called us to be citizens of the world. We elected a man who blasphemed Your word, but we chose to overlook that. We were not ashamed to elect a man called the "Messiah", "God", "God-like", "the Savior", "the One", "an advanced soul", the "New Testament", "an evolved leader", "Son of Promise", "Child of Hope", a "Lightworker", an "attuned being", the "Platonic Philosopher King", and he has "a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth". People fainted in his presence, children sang songs to him, and paintings made of him depicted people kneeling before him. It was said that we would now have to measure time "Before Obama" and "After Obama" and that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle the significance of Obama's nomination as president. You warned us about many antichrists in the world, but we ignored Your word and embraced the man who epitomizes this spirit more than any other ever has.

Father, please forgive us for looking to a man to save us. We chose to ignore Your words that You would provide our needs, but instead elected a man to give us all that we need and many things we desire. We had to turn a blind eye to the promise of continued innocent bloodshed and abominations and looked to a man for personal gain.

Father, You told us You would bless those who bless Israel, but we decided we didn't need Your blessings and elected a man who vowed to "stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" and one who has now reportedly promised the Palestinians all of Jerusalem.

You told us in Your word to always seek You and love Your law, but just like your people in the Bible, we decided we wanted our own king to give us what WE want. Please forgive us for rejecting You! Please forgive us for ignoring Your word. Just as You gave Your people what they wanted when they decided You alone were not sufficient for them, just as You gave Your people meat when they decided Your manna was not good enough, we wanted more, and You have given us what we wanted. Please forgive us and have mercy on us for we knew not what we were doing.

I am so sorry, Lord, that we have done this exceeding wickedness to You!

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