Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Freedom of Speech in Rains County, Texas at the Rains County Leader

I've been out of town for 2 or 3 weeks for a family emergency, but want to detail an experience I had on my way out of town on Friday, November 7, 2008. Barack Obama had just won the election and it was most troubling to me. I know as sure as I know anything that the majority of Americans do not believe in what Obama stands for. If everything was truly fair and there was not so much deception and bias and fraud, I KNOW Obama could have never won. I know that there were Christians all over this country praying HARD for the outcome of this election, but he won anyway, and that was very troubling to me. Even though I know most Americans don't want to kill live babies or to glorify homosexuality or to erase God from the public square, I'm afraid they have been lukewarm about it all. In Revelation 3:16, God said He wanted to spew the lukewarm out of His mouth. He hates lukewarm Christians!! I also know that God said He would heal our country if HIS people called by HIS name would humble themselves, pray, seek HIS face, and turn from their wicked ways. He didn't say that homosexuals had to change their ways; He didn't say the corrupt or wicked or atheists had to change their ways. He said HIS people called by HIS name - Christians. Christians are the ones who had to humble THEMSELVES, pray, and seeks God's face, and turn from THEIR ways. Christians are the ones who allowed this to happen. They either turned a blind eye to all that was wicked about Obama and voted for him anyway for some selfish reason or they were lukewarm and didn't care enough to stand up for what was right. Either way, I felt very strongly that Christians needed to think hard about what they had done. I wrote an ad for my local weekly newspaper. I learned long ago that the editor considered my opinions "controversial" and he often wouldn't print my letters to the editor, so I would just pay for an ad. On Friday, November 7, 2008, I went to the Rains County Leader office in Emory, Texas, to place a paid ad in the church section of the paper, an ad in the form of a prayer like the one I posted here on November 5, and the editor, Earl Hill, refused to accept a PAID ad. I realize freedom of the press doesn't mean he has to accept any ads he doesn't want, but I found it very interesting that even here in li'l old rural America, Texas, that the media wouldn't let anything bad be said about their anointed candidate, not even in the form of a personal opinion AD. Amazing!!

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