Sunday, December 14, 2008

3 Religious Opinions in the News This Week

There were three religious opinions reported on in the news this week that caught my attention. The Newsweek article is just an agenda push by someone who doesn't really believe the Bible, but just wants to try to use it against believers, not even realizing the idiocy of her arguments. But the other two reflect the sad state of Christianity today.

The evangelical leader, Richard Cizik, came out in support of civil unions, saying it was time to look at them differently and, "Give the biblical point of view a different slant." As if we flawed Satan-seduced humans can just take the Word of God and give it whatever slant we want and it will still be the Word of God!? That statement alone negates anything else Mr. Cizik has to say, but in addition to that, he has said that a candidate's character and party values are more significant than specific issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. What true Holy Spirit-led Jesus-as-Lord Christian believes Jesus would agree with that one? His statements alone are all the commentary needed. But one more I found interesting is that he thought Sarah Palin lacked humility unlike Barack Obama. That one is astounding! It also proves how spiritually blinded he was if he could not see the arrogance of Obama traipsing all over the world giving speeches to the masses who had no part to play in his candidacy for U.S. President, or of his attitude when someone like Joe the Plumber dared to question his policies, or the fact he can't even be bothered to show his birth certificate, the proof of his eligibility for president, to the people he is supposed to serve. Yeah, quite a humble man that Obama! I think Mr. Cizik reflects the falling away that the Bible talks about in the last days. He probably once was a good evangelical leader. I don't know that for a fact, but I would imagine it to be so. Now he has become an "evanjellyfish". No spiritual backbone; when things get a little difficult standing for God's truth, he folds. Maybe he never had a backbone; maybe he never had the firm foundation in the first place, like President Bush.

President Bush could have been one of the all-time greatest Presidents. He appeared to love his Lord and wasn't afraid to say His name. He took his job of protecting this country seriously and has worked hard to keep another 9-11 from happening and he has succeeded. He succeeded in the war in Iraq. He gave us two great Supreme Court justices. His record on life is 100%. But I'm not sure there has been another President who has pushed us more toward the one-world government than he has. His policies regarding Israel, while on one hand profess to be Israel's friend, on the other continually strong-arm Israel into making more and more concessions. His open border and North American Union type policies have made great strides in stripping this country of its sovereignty. Then there is his big-government spending. Christians and pro-family-values voters came out of the woodwork to put him back in office in 2004 based on pro-family messages we never heard mentioned again after he was re-elected. I believe that is the main reason there was such an upset in the 2006 Congressional seats. Now he does this interview where he says the Bible is probably not literally true, but you can learn a lot from it! How completely and utterly lame! If the Bible is not completely true, who determines which parts are true and which parts are just good lessons from which to learn? And if it's not true, then you can slant those lessons any way you want like Mr. Cizik above suggested! If it's left up to individuals to determine what parts are true and what parts they want to use, then why have a Bible at all?? Would our Almighty God have done that? Left us a teaser and said you're on your own to the best of you individual abilities? Then when your best attempts conflict with others' individual interpretations, then that's just life. How stupid! But then this is the President who said that all religions pray to the same God. This is a guy who may have loved His Lord, but he had no solid foundation. Like the seed on rocky places that withered because it had no root, or the seed among the thorns that got choked out when the thorns were too thick, so is a man with no solid foundation in the Word of God.

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