Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sierra Club Endorses the Green Bible

We have the Gay Bible or the Princess Diana Bible, as I think it is called, and now we have a Green Bible. I guess anyone can write a Bible to fit his own agenda! On the surface it makes me mad for all the reasons it should make any Christian mad. It's not at all about the inerrant Holy Spirit inspired Word of God or the Gospel of Christ; it's about environmental indoctrination. I can't help but wonder what they do with the Romans 1 scriptures that speak of those fools who profess to be wise and changed the truth of God to a lie and worshiped the created rather than the Creator. Or how about when Peter speaks of the scoffers in the last days, walking after their own lusts, who believe all things will continue as they have since creation, but the earth is reserved for fire for destruction of the ungodly. It is the prophetic Word of God and environmentalists aren't going to change it! But there is an awesome scripture in Isaiah where God says that His Word never returns void and it will accomplish what He wants and it will prosper where He sends it. So even from the mouths of fools, His Word will accomplish His purpose! Awesome!

The green horse rides.

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