Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100's of Atrocities in Only 100 Days!

Before the election of Obama, when people disgruntled with the Republican candidate, John McCain, would talk about how an Obama presidency would bring back a Reagan-like president like a Carter presidency brought us Reagan, and how it was better to vote for a third party than to vote for the "lesser of two evils", I always said if Obama was allowed to become president, we would never survive the 4 years until we could get a new president. I am proving to be right faster than even I ever imagined! In only 100 days in office, he has kept his word probably only once and that was to BRING CHANGE! And boy, has he brought change!! I remember hearing the brainless Obama adorers who couldn't really tell you WHY they were voting for him, other than he would bring CHANGE! And we needed CHANGE! Well, congratulations, I guess you got what you wanted!

Now to chronicle Obama's 100's of atrocities:

I have to begin with the fact that it is probably a foregone conclusion that Obama is not even eligible to be president, even if he was born in the US, which is highly unlikely. After all, why spend millions of taxpayer dollars to fight showing your birth certificate in all the very real ongoing court cases if a $16.00 birth certificate would settle everything?? But even if he was born in the US, documents prove he was an Indonesian citizen at a time when dual citizenship was not allowed in Indonesia, so at the very least, he is only a naturalized American citizen, and not eligible to be president, so he has lied from the very beginning and made a mockery of our Constitution. This from a President who talks time and time again about transparency!!

Then on inauguration day he already had posted his agenda where he tells us he plans to support full civil unions, repealing all national and state Defense of Marriage Acts, and to go forth with hate crimes legislation and employment non-discrimination protecting gays, elevating their rights over employers or 80-year-old grandmothers who may suffer from the same crime as a gay person. He planned to repeal "Don't ask, don't tell" and to push for adoption rights for gays. His administration planned to "protect" the internet and to insist on diversity and localism in radio in an attempt to limit conservative and Christian talk radio. He vowed to "protect" Roe v. Wade and to promote embryonic stem cell research. He plans for a civilian corp and green police.

After promising in his candidacy that he wanted to reduce the number of abortions, just three days after his inauguration, Obama overturned the Mexico City Policy, freeing up taxpayer funds for international groups that perform and promote abortions. Subsequently, the last nation to refuse to fund these groups, Australia, decided if it was good enough for the USA, she should probably follow suit. Great! Not only does our president force taxpayers to do something so abhorrent, but he leads other nations in wickedness!

By the next week, Obama's pick for HHS Secretary, Tom Daschle, drops out over tax problems. But that was just one of the many tax cheats Obama nominated for cabinet positions; who can forget tax cheat Timothy Geithner, who failed to pay $35,000 in taxes, who is to be fittingly Treasury Secretary?! And Obama also nominated for Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis, who failed to pay $6,400 in taxes; for U.S. Trade Representative, Ron Kirk, $10,000 in taxes; and for Health Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, $7,000 in taxes; and two others withdrew their names after a probe into their tax returns. Gov. Sebelius also has an abhorrent record vetoing any restrictions to partial-birth abortion and is a close friend of baby-killer, Dr. George Tiller, and she subsequently lied to Congress about her relationship with him. And there are many more appalling nominations like Dawn Johnsen, former Executive Director of the radical pro-abortion group NARAL who compared pregnancy to slavery, to be Assistant Attorney General; nominee for Deputy Secretary of State, James B. Steinberg, who testified that he believes the Constitution guarantees abortion should be funded with taxpayer money; a real gem is David Ogden, a lawyer for the porn industry who has argued that girls as young as 14 do not need parental notification when seeking an abortion and that abortion is a form of family planning that should be eligible for taxpayer funding, who Obama nominated to be Deputy Attorney General; and Elena Kagan, an advocate for homosexuals serving in the military and a federalization of hate crimes against homosexuals, for Solicitor General.

Obama's appointment of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was unconstitutional because as a senator, she had voted a pay raise for the Secretary of State, and to then accept that position is a clear violation of the Constitution.

After promising he wouldn't have lobbyists in his administration, Obama made 17 exceptions in the first two weeks in office.

Obama called presidential "signing statements" (letters of interpretation and recommendations attached to Congressional legislation) unconstitutional, then attached a signing statement of his own to a $410 billion spending bill.

Obama unconstitutionally moved control of the 2010 census from the Department of Commerce to the direct control of the White House.

Obama began the process to overturn conscience protections which protect healthcare professionals from violating their beliefs by being forced to participate in abortions. A week later, at the first White House summit on health care reform, he invited numerous advocates for abortion, including Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign, but no advocates for conscience protections or the pro-life position.

Obama gave $900 million in U.S. aid to the Palestinians, to be received both by a U.N. agency that openly employs Hamas as well as by the Palestinian Authority, which is in talks to create a unity government with Hamas.

Obama issued an Executive Order reversing federal restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research, opening the path to taxpayer funds for experiments from human embryos, human clones, and human-animal hybrids. Busy week, as the next day his administration, at the Commission on the Status of Women meeting at the United Nations, argued for an “international” right to abortion. Day after that, Obama signed the huge Omnibus spending bill AND overturned the Kemp-Kasten pro-life rider which gave presidents the prerogative to deny tax funds to groups involved in coercive abortions, now forcing US taxpayers to fund forced abortions for population control! Obama released $50 million to UNFPA, which has funded groups connected to forced abortions in other countries, including China.

Obama ended funding for Washington D.C.'s school voucher program, eliminating school choice, but his daughters attend a private school in Washington D.C. where he exercises HIS freedom of educational choice.

Obama had his first judicial appointment in David Hamilton, a judge so radical as to have ruled that praying in the name of Jesus is illegal, but praying to Allah is not, and to rule against any common sense restrictions to abortion like a simple waiting period. His rulings are so radical that some have been overturned by appeals courts, but Obama nominated HIM to an appeals court, where he can be the one to overturn rulings he doesn't like!

Ah! What conservative can forget Obama’s Department of Homeland Security report on domestic terrorism that targets veterans, and pro-life and pro-marriage advocates?

Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, testified in a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing that the Obama Administration believes that “reproductive health” includes a right to abortion and that the policy of the Obama Administration is to work to overturn pro-life laws IN OTHER COUNTRIES! And Obama’s Food and Drug Administration issued an order that the Plan B “morning after pill” should be given to 17-year-old girls without a prescription or their parents’ consent.

After stating during his campaign that we've been living beyond our means and were going to have to make adjustments, Obama proposed a 3.6 TRILLION dollar budget, which doubles the national debt, a proposed budget larger than the budget of EVERY SINGLE President from Washington through George W. Bush COMBINED! This puts a HUGE tax burden on our children and grandchildren who may not even be born yet! BUT in this massive budget, he has cut the Dept. of Defense budget to PRE-WWII levels!

Obama proposed to drastically reduce or even eliminate tax deductions for charitable contributions which has been in place for 90 years, which will certainly result in less charity!

Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in company bail-outs has done nothing for the economy but grow our debt and our tax burden and the burden on our children, and has given massive government control of various industries. He forced solvent banks to take bail-out money they didn't want and then when they tried to pay back the tax-payers early, he refused! Obama actually fired a GM president and threatened to fire others!! Imagine the federal government coming into a privately owned business and firing employees! And then he wanted legislation to unconstitutionally RETROACTIVELY tax bonuses 100%!

Obama promised no earmarks and then signed a bill with 9000 of them, all the while saying there weren't any earmarks in the bill!!

He promised he would get a shelter dog, but didn't keep that promise, either.

For a speech at Georgetown, the Obama administration asked the university to cover up all religious signs and symbols.

Oh! And the embarrassing blunders! This guy and his entire administration seem not to have a clue when it comes to state potocol! Who can forget his horribly tacky gifts to Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his family, including DVD's in the WRONG format that cannot be played in Britain! He gave the Queen of England an iPod full of his own speeches and for charity he gave his autographed cover of Rolling Stone magazine. Is he thoughtless and tactless or arrogant and narcissistic? No one in the cabinet can get a Russian translation correct in a gift to the Russian foreign minister. The White House accidentally published a sex line number on a press release, directing reporters to call for details on the G20 meeting of world leaders. Obama who chastised Americans for not speaking a second language cannot speak another language and during one of his overseas apology tours referred to the Austrian language! Obama is unable to speak without a teleprompter and is so mindless when he reads it that when the teleprompter played a trick on him at his own party (he has to use a teleprompter at his own party!), he actually thanks HIMSELF, actually says the words thanking Obama for inviting everyone to the party! And remember his tasteless demeaning joke about Special Olympics? He BOWED to the Saudi king which is so against protocol for heads of state and then the White House LIED about it!! He sent New Yorkers into a panic by flying Air Force One extremely low for a photo op with no public announcement and then claimed he knew nothing about it? Knew nothing about what Air Force One was doing? That's scary whichever way you want to take it.

Pretending concern for an environmental crisis, Obama's extravagant inauguration alone emitted over 500 million pounds of CO2 and on Earth Day his flights burned more than 9000 gallons of fuel!

Obama wants to close Guantanamo and wants open dialogue with terrorists while refusing a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile those same terrorists bully, taunt, and ridicule him, and therefore our country! He has irresponsibly released details of terrorist interrogation methods for the terrorists to read and learn from! And he started the ball rolling to prosecute key decision-makers for allowing interrogation of terrorists that was called legal at the time, but later deemed illegal by a different administration!

And regarding Israel, Obama is doing his best to go around the world apologizing for the US and trying to change the perception that there exists a "special relationship" between the United States and Israel. Obama's very first television interview was given to an Arab television network. Since that time, he has worked hard to warm up Islamic relations and cool Israeli ones, and Israel feels it! As they sense a possible relationship building between Obama and the President of Iran, they are understandably nervous at the prospect of a nuclear Iran and could very well try to preempt that.

And finally on his 100th day as he is patting himself on his back for his "accomplishments", Obama actually made a sarcastic dig at over 1,000,000 Americans who dared to exercise their freedom of speech to criticize massive government spending at the nationwide tea parties! I was imagining Pres. Bush at that moment and he would have never mentioned it on his own, but if asked and pressed on the issue, he would have responded something about the fact that in our country we are blessed to have the freedom to voice our grievances about our government, as it should be! But you'll note, this guy often gets irritated when people question him! Even the people he is supposed to SERVE!! Who can forget Joe the Plumber? Well, I guess actually Obama doesn't serve the people; he expects the people to serve HIM! The Obama administration is advancing a MANDATORY voluntary youth service program that speaks of uniforms and prohibiting freedoms and conscience objections during service, reminiscent of Hitler Youth!

And that reminds me of another Obama comment (or THREAT) I forgot to mention: "Don't think we're not keeping score, brother", when Rep. Peter DeFazio, a Democratic congressman, dared to vote against the stimulus bill.

Surely that's 100, and surely I have missed a few, and surely this country will never survive an Obama presidency at this rate. But Americans got the CHANGE they wanted! It reminds me of the Israelis in Biblical times when they insisted on a king because they wanted to be like other countries. I guess the times were changing and God wasn't a relative figure for them anymore, and God allowed them what they asked for! I believe He has allowed us what we asked for! We disregarded His moral laws and have for a long time, and have much innocent blood and abomination (Obama Nation) in our land. I believe it is probably too late for our country, but now is the time for people to turn back to their God, ask His forgiveness, and pray for His mercy in their lives. And read your Bible; you might find that time for personal salvation is short!

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