Thursday, April 30, 2009

Has Obama Done Anything Good in 100 Days?

I mean REALLY good, not just spun good or lied about by the Obama administration and the media. I don't see anything! I wish someone could give me an example of something! Sure, there have been a few small tax breaks. Everyone gets an average of $13 more a week in their paycheck now. Those receiving Social Security benefits will receive a stimulus check of $250, and I think there are some extended unemployment benefits, but here in Texas, our Gov. Perry refused them (Thank you, Gov. Perry!). Now there does appear to be a good 10% up to $8000 incentive for first-time home buyers, and I hope that works out to be a stimulant to home buying. But most of those small bits of stimulus won't do a thing when Americans have to start paying for this so-called stimulus package! Obama's budget doubles the national debt and he has proposed spending more than all the other presidents before him COMBINED! Do people think their taxes won't go up more than the $13 or $250 they received? Why, when Obama ends Bush's tax cuts, which he has promised he would do, everyone's taxes immediately go up by $3500.00!! And that is only the beginning! Most of the repayment of his huge spendulous bill won't begin to come due until 2010 or 2011. But in this instant gratification American Idol style culture of ours, people are mesmerized by their new idol and are happy for their $13 instant gratification, with no common sense thought to the future.

I initially thought I could give Obama credit for rescuing the captain of the Somali pirated ship until I learned he actually DELAYED the rescue, greatly endangering the captain's life!

I guess he can get some credit for pretty much following Bush's Iraq policies, but he so completely lied about every aspect of that during his campaign, it's hard to call this a good thing!

Maybe he has handled his first big "health crisis" in the swine flu, but then again, it was pretty evident by the Obama News networks that the crisis was being used to fast track the confirmation of his horrendous Health Secretary and probably his healthcare plan, too. The Democrat-controlled Congress is using a loophole to attach his healthcare bill to the budget bill since the budget bill only needs 51 votes instead of the usual 60. We will have government controlled healthcare without any debate! Once again, where is the common sense, PEOPLE??? Do people ever think about what happens when the government can't pay the HUGE healthcare bill?? The government will make healthcare decisions for people and you can bet they will cut expenses where they can!! Why members of Obama's administration have even said and written as much!! Treatments will be determined using a formula that divides the cost of the treatment by the number of years the patient is likely to benefit. Treatments for younger patients will be preferred over treatments for the elderly. All these things were told to us before the election. What candidates have said and what they have voted was all over the internet. The fact that socialized medicine doesn't work anywhere and that most of the world is scrambling to get away from it can be found in most places except perhaps in a Michael Moore fantasy! History books tell us socialism has never worked and economy books tell us Reaganomics works best, but who is reading?? They were all swooning over their American Idol and mesmerized by his lies and now our entire country will suffer the consequences!

So no, I can't see much good in 100 days, but I see hundreds of atrocities. How much more can we take? Well, with the government takeover of healthcare, when combined with energy, the banks, mortgage companies, auto companies, insurance companies, etc. he now controls, the federal government may own and control something like 70% of our economy!! United Socialist America, here we come!! Also on the fast track is Hate Crimes silencing Christian radio and pastors!! Also Obama plans to control the internet and talk radio and there are already policies in motion on those. It's more like United Communist America! Congratulations, Obama voters!! You are getting your CHANGE!! Was it everything you HOPED for??

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