Thursday, April 16, 2009

You Might Be A Domestic Terrorist If...

STRAIGHT from the Obama Administration's Dept. of Homeland Security document itself found here, we find you are considered to be a domestic terror threat if...

...You actually believe the Constitution, particularly the 10th Amendment, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." But according to Obama's DHS you are anti-government and a terror threat if you reject "federal authority in favor of state or local authority"!

...You are pro-life and believe every baby deserves to live! Again quoted straight out of the document itself, "individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion".

...You believe that laws are actually meant to be obeyed, and therefore you oppose illegal immigration. The same quote from above went on to say "individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration." But remember, you only have to be dedicated to one of those issues to be considered a domestic terror threat!

...You were one of the millions buying guns since November because you are afraid of Obama's clampdown on gun ownership, then you are surely on the domestic terror list: "a correlation may exist between the potential passage of gun control legislation and increased hoarding of ammunition, weapons stockpiling, and paramilitary training activities among rightwing extremists."

...You are a Christian who actually believes the Word of God and Bible prophecy, because DHS says "'end times' prophecies could
motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition, and weapons."

This is such an unbelievable ridiculous nightmarish report that it took the conservative pundits a day to catch up as they researched to determine if this was truly a Department of Homeland Security Report, and indeed, it is! This is a most offensive piece of garbage to mainstream Americans who care about their God, their country, and their freedoms. While hearing this discussed on talk radio, I listened to a caller phone in to say he had been stopped by a state trooper specifically because of his bumper sticker, a "Don't Tread On Me" sticker! I realized at that moment how important it was for me to get some bumper stickers! I've never been much for bumper stickers, but it's a necessity now! I wish every mainstream American who can relate to any of the examples above would get a sticker and voice your feelings!! Nothing ugly or particularly offensive (although it appears everything we believe in is offensive, but hey! Jesus said HE was offensive), but just simply state your beliefs. This administration is trying to silence opposition. Boy, have conservatives become a thorn in its side, and if it can intimidate them without radical laws to silence them, then all the better. The Obama administration would like nothing better than to have Christians go back to their churches and keep quiet and out of government. We have been quiet too long, and I say we should not be intimidated! Here are a few of my favorites with links to order them:

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