Saturday, April 2, 2011

In the Last Days Perilous Times Shall Come

This week was full of news that shows we are in very perilous and very shaky unstable times, times when good is called evil and evil good:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. - 2 Timothy 3:1

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! - Isaiah 5:20

The news surrounding the Libya ordeal is astounding and not as is being reported by the mainstream media. There has been no bigger murderer of the Jewish people since Hitler than Gadhafi, yet our president dragged his feet when it came to speaking out against him. He had no trouble calling for Murbarak to step down, who had been an ally of the US. It seemed perhaps he had been shamed into doing something when France and England began to act. Then came the U.N. no-fly zone resolution. It was after that when Obama put Gadhafi on notice! I'm sure Gadhafi was shaking in his boots! Obama was so quick to turn over the reins to someone else that you had to wonder if it was just a wink to Gadhafi, especially given some of the investigations that have shown ties between Gadhafi and Obama, or at least those close to him. Now come reports that Obama's handling of the Libyan conflict may be part of a bigger plot to finally bring about a one-world government through a military doctrine called "Responsibility to Protect", which promotes global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation's borders under certain conditions. Libya is a testing ground for the doctrine. The following World Net Daily articles more fully explain the implications of the doctrine and name some of the far-left radicals behind it.

Soros Fingerprints on Libya Bombing
Another Stunner Behind Obama's Libya Doctrine
Libya Bombing an Attempt to Create 'New World Order'?

Imagine the possibilities! Especially when you consider the hostility toward the U.S. Add to the mix a president who is actively trying to destroy our country. When our economy and sovereignty are ultimately destroyed, we are just one of many equal countries, one among countries that hate us and that for which we stand. Obama is busy trying to destroy all that we originally stood for, as well. He is very deliberately trying to erase our Christian heritage and to erase God from our founding documents. See the following article with its many links to other articles for examples:

Is Obama Purging God from America 'By Design'?

Huge government control and bureaucracy removes freedoms and will be used to force us into a one-world system. Necessarily, the right to bear arms will have to be revoked so that the American people cannot revolt. You can see that in the works, but this week came news that may bring it about more quickly. Michelle Malkin has done tremendous investigative reporting on a huge Obama scandal that is being hushed by the mainstream media, Project Gunrunner. Tens of thousands have died in the Mexican drug wars, many killed with semi-automatic firearms our U.S. government provided! Now Americans are dying by the same firearms. When I read about all the anti-gun types involved in this scandal, I shudder to think our government may be sacrificing lives, some who are border patrol agents armed with beanbag guns, to further their attempts to get control of our guns.

Project Gunrunner: Obama’s Stimulus-Funded Border Nightmare

Speaking of sacrificing lives, we've long been sacrificing innocent babies for convenience. So some human lives are apparently dispensable, but daily I was hearing the news this week about the high school boys who sacrificed two baby chicks. PETA was outraged and they were talking about it in Australia, even! I'm not saying what they did was right, but does it rise to the importance of human lives sacrificed for convenience or political gain?

This week also came the news that Israel has released a map detailing almost 1,000 Hezbollah rocket and missile sites across southern Lebanon, many of which are situated near hospitals, homes and schools. It's a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, but where is the UN and where is the outrage?

Map Shows Almost 1,000 Hezbollah Rocket and Missile Sites Across Southern Lebanon

A study was just released that shows there are 8 times as many attacks on Jews in the United States as there are attacks on Muslims, but we are holding Islamophobia hearings in the Senate!

Study Shows 'Islamophobia' in U.S. a Myth
'Islamophobia' Hearings Shaped by Radical Palestinian

Then on top of all the news last week, I received an email from Olive Tree Ministries telling me about a new book by a former member of a New Age church who "tells all" and who believes the antichrist "is already in the world awaiting mankind's call." The article that was emailed to me can be found here:

Waiting in the Wings

I love Olive Tree Ministries, but I do have to say, they are obviously believers in a pre-tribulation rapture, and I do not find substantial Biblical evidence for that. I have tried to get people to honestly debate that one with me, as I would really love to see what they see, but for now, I have to say that I see quite the opposite:

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." - Matthew 24:29-30

As a direct answer to the question about the end of the world and the sign of Jesus's return, Jesus tells his disciples about the many tribulations to come and then specifically says that AFTER the tribulation, He will return. How does it get any clearer than that? How are these passages from Jesus Christ Himself reconciled by believers in a pre-trib rapture? I have not heard. Anyway, this is one of those doctrinal issues about which I can agree to disagree. I believe it can be a dangerous one for those who will be expecting Christ and may fall for a false one, but then again, those who know the Word of God well should not be deceived. After all, none of us see scripture 100% correctly at this stage of the game:

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. - 1 Corinthians 13:12

As my husband always reminds me regarding this issue, we all must be ready right now, because our lives can be snuffed out today in any number of ways. If you are ready for your Lord today, you will be ready for Him when He returns, if you do not falter, and endure till the end:

"But he who endures to the end shall be saved." - Matthew 24:13

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