Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is There Any Doubt of the Propagandization by the Media?

It's truly incredible! How stupid do they think we are?! The president is out there actually lecturing us that we cannot spend more than we take in when HE IS THE CHAMPION OF DOING JUST THAT! Surely everyone knows that by now. But a willing media uses those ridiculous sound bites to try to demonstrate a fiscally responsible president and candidate for re-election.

I cannot tolerate the mainstream media anymore. As a matter of fact, I almost missed this story, even though the reporter was from a local station to me:

The Outburst Heard 'Round the World
Nobody Interrupts POTUS

The Drudge Report was even touting this incident as the first time a reporter turned aggressive with Obama. Stories like this are very hard to come by, probably because reporters don't want to be punished, or often they are very liberal and want to prop up the prez.

Regarding Brad Watson's questions, of course the president and his administration punish those who don't go along with him or dare to question him. Just as he cannot be questioned in an interview, state governments had better not question him, either. Remember the news of federal funds being withheld from Arizona after their immigration law?

The current news is full of stories of an oppressive government that oversteps its bounds and a president who lies as easily as he talks. Don't believe for a moment that he is really for the middle class when the "bible" he uses, "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky, tells him the middle class is the enemy and instructs him on how to destroy the middle class while pretending to help it! Don't believe that his health care plan is about helping all Americans, when there are those on his staff who believe in population control through whatever means necessary, even writing about putting sterilants in the drinking water. "Death panels" are described as a natural option for these radicals. Obama reminds me of Nicholas Carpathia from the Left Behind series. There was a scene early on when he's meeting with world dignitaries and he kills two that refuse to go along with him. He then proceeds to tell the rest of the folks about what they just witnessed, the horrible tragedy of one guy killing the other and then turning the gun on himself. It's been awhile since I saw it, but it was something like that. Anyway, people start nodding and agreeing that is what they saw, at least the majority of the people led by the wrong spirit; the one man who had just accepted Christ as his savior and was being shown the truth by the Holy Spirit was not deceived. Sometimes I feel like I am in that world where Obama is destroying us while he tells us he is working for us and that it's really the other guy who is trying to destroy us, and the people nod and agree with him; "Yes, we can!" they chant.

I have always gotten comfort from 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

The scripture doesn't say "all the people"; it says "MY people", so only God's people need turn from their wicked ways and seek His face, and He will forgive us and heal our land. Let the "heathens" chant for their hope and change and let God's people return to Him on their knees! If you believe you are a Christian and support Obama, I would suggest you search your heart and decide if you can really ignore the fact that he is the most pro-abortion president in our history. Can you really support a president who promotes and supports homosexuality, an abomination to your Lord? Can you ignore the fact that he seeks to erase our country's Christian heritage and purposely deletes mentions of God from his "quotes" of our founding documents?

It is time for people to get on their knees and pray to their Lord for forgiveness, and repent and change from their wicked ways. When we seek our Lord and His will, His Holy Spirit will lead us in truth. Truth is what we need in this time of deceitful politicians and media.

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