Friday, April 29, 2011

Our Country's Current Flood

My last Bible study was on Noah and the flood. God said He never again would destroy the earth because of man's wickedness, as He had done in Noah's time. However, He still sends us warnings to turn us back to Him. Some people have viewed "the God of the Old Testament" as a cruel punishing God. They felt the message of the Old Testament was "Do as God says, or else!" and in their rebellion, have rejected that message. I think that is another lie of Satan to try to get us away from the truth of God's love. In recent years my study of the Old Testament has shown me God's love and mercy even then. Through His judgments, He was constantly trying to turn the people back to Him where the blessings were. What so many people don't understand is that punishments are not always a direct action taken against an evil deed, but sometimes the result of the deed itself. You reap what you sow. Consider this:

A country that kills future generations through abortion finds it doesn't have enough workers and therefore money in the Social Security fund to pay all the promises it has made to the people. Now it takes over healthcare so that it can ration it which means death panels will decide who lives and who dies. Actually, there is only one Author of life, but death panels will take it upon themselves to try to make those decisions because they believe population control is needed for the salvation of the planet. As if they can really save the planet!

A country that embraces homosexuality, what God called an abomination, is a country saying, "We really don't care what you think, God!" God doesn't have to strike us dead because of it. We'll do it to ourselves! How do we be fruitful and multiply and have blessings on the earth when we practice the thing that will bring the exact opposite result?

Because people love "Mother Earth" more than their Creator God, they do stupid things that actually endanger the earth! In times past, God's nature could take care of itself. The occasional forest fires created natural breaks that would protect residential areas from the next fire. Now "protected" forests provide fuel for fires that cannot be stopped! The terrible fires of late may not be a striking punishment of God, but a result of our own actions.

Mother Earthers have kept us from drilling for oil in our own country which would provide jobs and a release from dependence on countries that hate us and want to destroy us. Therefore we have constant wars with those countries. We have so much regulation because of the EPA that it kills small businesses and forces them to go overseas for cheap labor and cheap parts that further destroys our economy because we can longer afford to produce here or hire here.

We turned our backs on God and decided that it really didn't matter if we had a president who killed babies and promoted what God called an abomination and purposely eliminated Him from his quotes of our founding documents and even covered up symbols of Him where he had to make a speech. That didn't matter because this man was bringing us HOPE and CHANGE! And we needed hope and change! So we turned away from our only Hope and the source of our REAL change! And God let us have what we wanted. And it is destroying us.

One quick look at today's headlines and you can see the flood of disasters we are currently experiencing. The storms and tornadoes are devastating, and may be the only thing that is not purely of our doing. Many "enlightened souls" will say we have caused global warming that is causing increased storms and earthquakes, but they will only look for more regulation, government control, and even population control, that will obviously destroy us further. There is so much more unrest and fighting in the Middle East that I believe is completely attributable to Obama's weakness that emboldens our enemies. He tells them constantly that the US is not a country they need fear. Latin America is a place we didn't have to worry about nearly as much as we have since Obama took office and threw our Latin allies under the bus, so that no one is really fighting the drug cartels anymore. Then there have been the fires in Texas. There's news they want to breach a levee on the Mississippi to ease flooding in Illinois, but it will flood fertile farms in Missouri. What might that do?

We are destroying ourselves because of our own choices! God doesn't have to do it! But He tells us He will heal our country if we turn back to Him on our knees, repenting and changing from our evil ways. How is it that we cannot recognize that the God of the universe holds our lives and blessings in His hands? How is it we can still be so flippant about the things of our Lord? May the dear Lord have mercy on our country and not give us what we deserve!

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