Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Well, Isn't That Special?

Just when we are told the Obama birth certificate issue is dead because all original long-form birth certificates from that time were destroyed when Hawaii went electronic, here we have two long-form birth certificates from one day after Obama was supposedly born:

Unveiled! Hawaii's 1961 long-form birth certificates
Real documents include name of doctor, hospital

Not only that, but the Hawaii Department of Health has affirmed that no paper birth certificate records were destroyed when the department moved to electronic record-keeping in 2001.

Also a little suspicious is the registration number on Obama's certificate of live birth record that shows a different numbering system and a number that follows the numbers of the two records of twins that were born before him. There may be a valid reason for this, but...

A reasonable thinking person might ask, "Why the cover-up?" and "WHY THE LIES?" Especially from the president who promised us:



Anonymous said...

Check the records from the two Honolulu newspapers about a week or ten days after BHO's birth date.
You will find birth announcements for his birth. This should stop the birth questions.
The 'birthers' don't have anything to continue this wild goose chase on.

seekyetruth said...

I'm aware of the birth announcements, but I'm afraid lying about the existence of a birth certificate does not stop questions. Obama himself is the one who creates questions because of his lies and his money paid to hide the long-form birth certificate and all school records. If the issue were so cut and dried and settled, then why would he have to lie and why would the one who boasts of a transparent administration have to seal and hide records?