Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can a True Christian Vote for Obama or Any Democrat, for That Matter?

I honestly don't see how, knowing the views and the party's platform. I would invite anyone who thinks otherwise to tell me how, but I would be willing to bet I could shoot down his/her argument. I don't think it can be done. I'm not talking about local elections. In some small towns there is still this thought process that one can only win if he's a Democrat if in a predominantly Democrat district. Thankfully, I know of two in my area who have decided they could no longer run under such an ungodly party title and switched to Republican, regardless of the decision's consequences on their elections. I am proud of them both for taking the right stand.

When the Republican candidate was first announced, I can honestly say I was not happy with the choice at all. I wasn't sure I would vote for McCain, especially not knowing who the Democrat choice would be. But even before Obama was declared the Democrat candidate, I had begun to come around to McCain. As a Christian, I did my best to look at things from God's perspective. What were the most important important issues? Undeniably, I felt they were life, the attack on traditional marriage, and the attack on God in the public square. I believe this is very Biblical. Interestingly, it falls in line pretty closely with our country's Declaration of Independence which declared the rights given us by our Creator: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone has the right to life, everyone from the smallest baby to the oldest to the most severely disabled. Only God is the author of life. We have the right to freedom, and this requires a delicate balance, it seems, to allow various peoples with various customs to be free to live how they choose. We are free to pursue happiness, but we are not guaranteed a RIGHT to happiness; I think this is a very important distinction.

When I considered the life issue, knowing how important innocent life is to God, I could not deny that only McCain voted for life. Not only is Obama 100% pro-abortion and against any restrictions on abortion, even very practical restrictions like informing the parents or giving the mother all her options so she can make an informed decision! Beyond even that, Obama voted repeatedly to let a complete outside-the-womb born-alive baby DIE when that baby happened to survive an abortion attempt!

I also recognized how important the homosexual issue is to God. He called it an abomination! He destroyed cities because of it and even warned that their destruction was to be used as a warning to us in the future if we found ourselves drifting into such immorality. I see this country boldly embracing homosexuality as normal and natural and even promoting it as something to be celebrated and wonder how we can just ignore God's warning? Surely Christians cannot! Although McCain has not been as strong as I would like in defending marriage, he doesn't go as far as Obama who has said that he would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Obama also supports other pro-homosexual resolutions like hate crimes and employment discrimination acts where homosexuality is protected. People need to wake up and realize that these types of bills seek to give MORE protections to homosexuals than to the average Americans! We already have laws against acts of violence. Why should there be a greater penalty to someone who assaults a gay man than to one who assaults your elderly grandmother? When there is, does that not elevate the status of the gay man above the elderly grandmother? There are already laws against discrimination, but must a Christian-owned daycare be forced to hire a homosexual? Does that not elevate the rights of the homosexual above those of the Christian who no longer has the right to hire whom he chooses? Homosexuals have always had the freedom to do what they wanted in private and to get most jobs they wanted, especially if they kept their sexual orientation private. But they want to celebrate their homosexuality and force people to accept them because of it. Lots of people looking for jobs choose to try to keep aspects of their private lives private. People don't go into interviews celebrating the fact they go night-clubbing and drinking every night or that they do recreational drugs. They don't promote the fact they may be having adulterous relationships. It's silly to think that homosexuality should be treated any differently! No Christian should support a candidate or a party platform that seeks to elevate the status of homosexuals when God so plainly warned against it!

Thirdly, how can a Christian support the removal of God in public places? This is a subtlety that is hard to measure with vote records only, but once again, if you elevate the rights of the homosexual over the rights of a Christian, then you must silence the Christian who "offends" the homosexual with their views. This is what Hate Crimes, Fairness Doctrine, and Employment Non-Discrimination laws all seek to do - silence the Christian in the public square, on the public airways, in public schools, but while fully promoting homosexuality. What does a true Christian think God thinks of this?

I find that many so-called Christians are trying to rationalize their decisions to vote Democrat and most especially for Obama, but their rationalizations don't hold up no matter how hard they try. There's mainstream media, Hollywood, TV stars, and even so-called Christian organizations that are twisting truth to make voting Democrat and more specifically for Obama more palatable. The shameful Matthew 25 Network takes the very words of our Lord and seeks to twist them into an endorsement of Obama! The Matthew 25 Network has even launched ProLifeProObama.com! They have twisted the pro-life message to mean that choosing life is choosing to support the woman who wants to kill her baby! When abortion was first legalized in the 70's, there was a question as to when life first began. With our modern technology, no one can question that a baby in the womb is alive from the beginning, so pro-abortionists have to come up with a new argument to advance their side. But what rational thinking person could ever really condone killing one life for the convenience of another? It's absurd! It's true, we all sin, and if a woman has chosen abortion, we do love and support her. If the decision is past, she can be forgiven as we can be forgiven for all sins if we repent. If the decision is in the making, the way to support her would be to attempt to change her mind by showing the error of her decision, just as anyone would try to stop a person from harming another person or themselves. Life is life and any true Christian knows that.

Christians have been told that to accept homosexuality is to be tolerant. Real Christians are quite tolerant of people, sinners, and love them enough to want to save them, as we all have been saved from destruction. Turning a blind eye is certainly easy but it doesn't help anyone. "Live and let live" can be a pretty selfish attitude, but there are times when this is appropriate, to be sure. That is the way this lifestyle has been dealt with in the past. All of us have known homosexuals in our past and we have lived among them. But Christians must understand that to advance the cause and promote the lifestyle beyond the rights of other Americans, which is most surely what Obama and the Democrat platform seek to do, is to ignore the very words of God!

Christians, do you think it is right to push the mention of God out of any public place because it might offend someone? Not to mention the fact that we were founded as a Christian nation and as a historical fact, we should be allowed to keep all references, but consider for a moment the references that could be offensive to a Christian. Where's the push to eliminate all references to Muslims, to witchcraft, to atheists, or even homosexuality, for that matter? Any attempt to believe that eliminating God is being tolerant is just being ignorant! It has nothing to do with being tolerant, but everything to do with just plain eliminating God, and no Christian should stand for it. Never mind that is what new age so-called Christians like Oprah and Obama and a host of TV pastors try to tell you. Christians, just read your Bibles!

Sometimes the arguers for Obama try to twist the debate to say that there are more pressing moral issues than life and homosexuality. Like global warming or saving our planet, for instance? Straight out of the Bible you will read what God thinks of people who put the so-called life of the planet above Him and real life! They try to tell us that global poverty is the greater moral issue. The Lord said the poor will be with us always, and while, as Christians, we should help the poor, it never trumps our Lord! They try to convince us that our pro-life stance is hypocritical because we send young men into battle and execute death row inmates, and they choose the loftier position to save our soldiers and convicted criminals! I won't even try to rationalize war and the death penalty, but obviously there were wars and criminals put to death in the Bible. Any rational-thinking person would have to agree that soldiers CHOOSE to be soldiers, at least at this time, and criminals CHOOSE their action, knowing the consequences, but an innocent baby does not have a choice. God has plenty to say about shedding innocent blood, and sacrificing children, and He hates it!

Any Christian who tries to use arguments about who's best for the economy or who will give us the best health care is using wrong-headed thinking, as well. Government-run, wealth-redistributing, socialized policies are anti-Biblical, but more importantly, we should never look to the government to be our savior, anyway! God says to look to Him first and He will provide. Any tither knows the way to financial stability; he trusts God with his finances, not government.

When all else fails, the tactic most often used by the so-called Christian who wants to vote for Obama anyway is to just ignore the facts! I have seen firsthand how ordinarily rational people will dismiss any argument against their precious Obama, and don't even want to listen. I guess that's the best way. After all, what you don't know can't hurt you, right? Well, at least ignorance is bliss, because then you don't have to contend with that nasty guilty feeling. And that is the reason the media, Hollywood, and the liberals in general, push this platform, and want to push Christians out, because Christians and their God and more specifically Jesus Christ, make them feel bad about their choices. Get rid of God and the Christians and get rid of guilt. But it doesn't really get rid of it; it just attempts to hide it, but that brings us back to "ignorance is bliss so I don't have to feel guilty". Christians should wake up, read their Bibles and seek God first, and NO, under no circumstances could they vote for the likes of Obama or even the Democrat platform, knowing the ungodly stands they take!


tcmamahawk said...

Well said Donna,
I definately agree with this article. I have often wondered how Christians can put aside the issue of LIFE to vote. This one issue alone has made voting very easy for me. I am not saying I don't feel uneasy in some matters about McCain. But The Pro-Life issue, The Homosexual Issue, and other issues are the deciding factor for me.

seekyetruth said...

Thanks. That Matthew 25 Network is what really set me off. Pretend Christians pretending they can be Christians while ignoring God's most basic laws! Worse than that they twist Scripture blaspheming the Word of God to suit their evil choices.

Unknown said...

I am appalled at what is called Christianity these days. It seems you've all forgotten "Judge not that ye be not judged, for with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you." How many of you have walked a mile in the shoes of a person who is getting an abortion, hmmm??? And what ever happened to "Love thy neighbor as thyself"? It seems that so-called "Christians" forget all about forgiveness and love and not judging others. Let me see now, wasn't the judging left up to God???

seekyetruth said...

Delores, a real Christ-led Christian is not judging the person; he is judging the sin! Every Christian has sinned and if it weren't for the forgiveness of Christ, we would die in our sin! We ARE to judge sin. We are to judge righteously. The Apostle Paul spoke of judging a matter without even being there, because he was judging the act, not the person. I'm sorry, murder is murder, and it is not the answer, especially when there are hundreds of thousands who would love to adopt a baby. BUT if you've murdered an innocent life, you can have forgiveness like all sinners can have forgiveness! A murderer of a grown person can have forgiveness. A homosexual can certainly have forgiveness. The Apostle Paul spoke specifically to people who had once been homosexuals, among other sinners, who were then saved. When Christ forgave sinners, He always told them to go and sin no more. We are not condemning people; we condemn the laws and agendas that allow the people to stay in their sins, never coming to forgiveness and repentance (which is changing from their sin). You are right, only God judges people, but we are told to judge sin and reject evil. Scripture says God looks for people who love Him and hate evil. He told us specifically to use Sodom and Gomorrah as an example, knowing our fate should we follow their example! Why on earth should we look the other way while this country's states one by one legalize homosexual marriage, the very thing God warned us against!! I don't hate the people like Barack Obama that I write about. In fact, I pray for him, because he is definitely lost in his sin, and he is trying to lead a whole country into it. We are told to reject that! And another thing God hates, are lukewarm people. I had recently thought how sad for the people who work so hard to uphold God's laws in this country, who work to save babies and reject homosexual marriage, that this country may have to suffer God's wrath and consequences under an Obama presidency - especially because I believe MOST people believe abortion and homosexuality is wrong, and they don't want to erase God's name in the public square. BUT, just because they might believe that way, I also believe if they don't do as He says and reject evil, pray for this country, and turn from their wicked ways, if they are lukewarm and turn a blind eye under the pretense of not wanting to judge or offend, then He spews those people out of His mouth! I don't judge people! I pray for them! I judge evil acts! And I stand up for God's laws! And I pray that He continues to raise His people up to stand for Him.