Tuesday, October 21, 2008


You asked that I respond to you and I will. As a matter of fact, I WILL post your comments here, but I want a chance to respond to each of them. You lived up to your name, "Wordy", and have bombarded me with more than I can address in a week! So I will be posting your comment a paragraph or two at a time, so that I can answer each point. Stay tuned. Thanks!


Wordy said...

I do appreciate and admire your desire to do so; I look forward to your further responses.

I hope you take my strong words as a compliment more than an insult - if you did not pose a good argument I wouldn't have bothered reading it all, much less responding.

I do write a lot without meaning to. I fancy myself a writer. I am trying to keep this short to save up for your response.

Have a good week.

seekyetruth said...

I will take them as a compliment and a challenge! There's a delicate balance required because I feel this urgency inside to scream to the rooftops the truth as I see it before it's too late and sometimes in my passion I may come off sounding judgmental and I don't mean to. You may have been divinely sent to my blog to keep me in check. It sends me back to the Bible for guidance and now thoughts are rolling around in my head for my next blog entry, "Judge or Judge Not, That Is the Question". AFTER I finish responding to you, that is. :-) Thanks!

PS: I write a lot, too. That's why your comment was overwhelming because to answer everything was going to take more than I had time for! So I understand. Thanks!