Sunday, October 5, 2008

"Say It Ain't So, Joe"

I love folksy honest Christian Sarah Palin! What a breath of fresh air she is! What a bold confident stand she took against Joe Biden in the debate! Joe spewed fact after fact after fact at her, or were they actually facts? It seems Joe had quite a few gaffes, but does the liberal biased media ever notice a liberal's gaffe? Imagine if Sarah Palin had misspoken regarding the Constitution's articles defining the vice-presidency as Joe Biden did? It would be all over with proof positive that she was too dumb and inexperienced to be vice-president! But after 35 years of experience in the Congress, it's no big deal that Joe Biden doesn't know the basics of the Constitution he is supposed to uphold. Joe Biden flatly lied about McCain votes and when did "we kick Hezbollah out of Lebanon"? Sarah caught him in some of his flip-flops to the Obama side after he had formerly denounced the Obama position before he became Obama's running mate. I am convinced that the majority of the Americans are basically conservative or at least moderately so. They certainly are no where close to the extreme left side of Obama and Hollywood, but with the huge media bias, indoctrination, and fraud, a conservative has to win by a landslide to barely squeak out a win in this day and age. I pray for a landslide!

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