Wednesday, October 22, 2008

In Reply to Wordy, Part I

You said:

I think it's twisted that any of you feel you have the right to claim anyone else is a fake Christian. I'm sure you justify your judgement of this as judging their sin, and not the sinner - yet you write them off as fake Christians - lost in their own spiraling pride. You forget that our relationship with the Lord was meant for our personal commitment and that God blessed us with the ability to pass judgement for sins that we wish not to commit ourselves, not so that we may point out the sinners and damn them to Hell lest they repent of their transgressions!

Our Lord Himself said there would be many false prophets and antichrists and those calling themselves Jews who were not. He said we would know them by their fruits. You must judge whether the fruit is good or bad to know them. Perhaps discern is a better word. Jesus spoke again of us judging what is right; "judge" was His word in Luke 12. The Apostle Paul spoke of judging matters and even putting someone out of the church because he had already judged the matter, even though he wasn't there. It's because he judged the sin and put the person out SO THAT HE MAY BE SAVED. To allow him to remain in the church continuing in his sin would have been detrimental to the church and to himself. Only God can judge the heart and He judges righteously, and He knows my heart and yours, and everyone else's. All I can judge are the fruits and my concern is with organizations like Matthew 25 and wicked leaders who seek to call good evil and call evil good as our Lord warned us about. They deceive the people into thinking that what they are doing is okay when it's not. My beef is against the deceit, not the people themselves.

You said:

Do you not recall the prostitute and the mob of hateful onlookers wishing to stone her in the street?! Your response would be, "Oh! But Jesus said that she should go and sin no more! Sinners must be shown the error of their ways!" Yes, Jesus said that, and NO that does NOT give you the right to throw the first stone!

You're right, she is to sin no more. THAT is the whole point. When we allow bad laws and policies and vote for bad leaders who perpetuate what God called evil, people continue in their sin. When people who are supposed to be in authority for the good of the people cause them to sin, then the people aren't able to sin no more. I am not throwing a stone at a person! I pity and pray for that person! It's the evil agenda itself I hate!

You said:

You wish to to be a real Christian, then you do not be OF the world, and sin is OF the world, government is OF the world, and earthly laws are OF the world! We must obey them because God told us to obey the laws of the land, but the Bible speaks nothing of Jesus obeying the laws that were forced upon him because those laws would force him to stop being a man of God. He is above us, and in that we must follow the laws as he was not bound! With this, if it is legal to be homosexual, then you must accept this as the law as you accept that you must stop at a stop sign. You may not want to do it because no car is coming, but you do it because you are a Christian. Do you stand in the street and yell because you wish to proceed without stopping? No, because you know it is the law and it is there for a reason, even if you do not see that reason.

We are to give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but we give to God what is God's. And when there is a conflict, Peter said we are to obey God rather than man. And since God warned that we are to use Sodom and Gomorrah as an example if we found ourselves drifting into that immorality, you had better believe I am going to listen to God and not to leaders who try to twist His words to make what He called evil good! Once again, I don't throw stones at the homosexual. I have cried and prayed for the homosexual and will do all I can to prevent wicked laws that will seek to make what God called abomination normal and confuse the young children in school.

To be continued...


Wordy said...

This Blog is your thrown stone. I do not disagree with your views on these companies; I disagree with you thinking you are able to see into their hearts and say they do not know Jesus.

You are quoting an old testament scripture and comparing it to a new testament argument. Where is Jesus in your words?

seekyetruth said...

You have not let me finish addressing all of your comments, so I haven't answered that yet. I don't have time to finish right now, but to answer your brief questions today (thank you!) - Jesus IS God! Jesus is the Word Who has been there since the beginning. The Old Testament is a picture of things to come; Jesus was the fulfillment; God says He never changes; He is the same today as He was back then. And Jesus said whoever does the will of His Father are his brothers and sisters. I didn't feel like I had judged a particular person, but rather I was judging the fruits of a group of people who call themselves Christians and yet follow someone who stands for everything evil with regard to God's moral law, and don't see how that is possible. When you are a Christian, you make Jesus the Lord of your life, and the will of His father you want to do. His father does not want homosexual marriage glorified nor a million babies a year sacrificed to the god of convenience. The fruits do not match their calling their name Christians. My point was not to judge a particular person but rather to show how a Christian cannot in good faith vote for Obama nor the platform of the Democrat Party because it is in direct conflict with God's Word. More later....